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Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

I read in your PM that you already figured out the Mega Rings with a Youtube video! :D I'll go on my last trip tomorrow and pick up the items for Scorched Feathers, Pritpal, Ekans is Epic and Blueditto! :)

They did have the Fairy badge; if they have them still I'll pick it up!

I'll ship some packages today and tomorrow as well. The last package might be sent on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. It's quite a lot. The post office isn't close to me (before I took them with me to internship, since it was closer to that) so I can't do that many trips per day. I should be able to have them all shipped Wednesday, however. :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

I ended up going today instead of tomorrow, mainly because when I was packing Fox's package and wanted to put the Darkrai in her Rising Fist Booster Box I noticed they forgot to put the Pangoro into those boxes. I got them today, so no worries Fox! :p

I also checked the other boxes to be sure and those all had the promo. The ones I already shipped also had it; I remember seeing them when I added the cards in there too.

@Blueditto: They didn't have the Mega Pokémon Figures packs anymore at the Pokémon Center. When I returned I checked out the local Toys R Us here, and they luckily still had the packs for Venusaur and Blastoise. :D They didn't have Charizard/Blaziken/Lucario, though. From the Pokémon Center I got you the Mega Ring, Charizard X & Y Figure, Froakie Figure, Frogadier Figure, Amaura Figure, Tyrunt Figure, Fairy Badge (this was the last one they had for that Gym!) and Flabebe plush. They didn't have the thing you linked to from Amazone.

@Ekans: They had everything you requested!:) The Mega Lucario Box, sleeves, and booster box.

@Pritpal: I got you 2 of the paper/sticker sets as a present, since they didn't cost that much. :p

@Luke: I'm planning to go there once with my family once they're here and since I have to hold on to your package a while longer I'll get you the Eevee then! Remind me on Skype, though. >.>

Can everyone of who I don't have the address details yet PM me with them? I'll be sending more packages today and the following days.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Thanks Drohn :3
Do I get the Darkrai promo or something with these?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Yea, a Darkrai promo card is included if you buy the booster boxes at the Pokémon Center. :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Great; PM me the shipping cost for EMS when it's time :D
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Drohn said:
Yea, a Darkrai promo card is included if you buy the booster boxes at the Pokémon Center. :)

I thought it was a Pangoro promo? Wasn't the Darkrai from several months ago?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Oh, oops sorry! You're right. I got confused with the Darkrai I still had from Fox. The one you get with Rising Fist is Pangoro.

I also just shipped 3 more boxes; 2 for Fox and one for chromapika. :)

@Fox: I remember that when you ordered something with the Goodra promo last time they were already out of stock for those, so I added one of mine to your package. I had two anyway. :p I think those were from the Charizard booster boxes. I'm pretty sure, since I only bought Charizard stuff. xD
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Drohn, I need you! I must have this magazine with the Pikachu TCG Card which I only found out about today... It shouldn't require any Pokemon Center trips and has been released very recently but I don't know the name of the Magazine itself, if you want me to cover costs of trips or whatever then I'd be very happy to do so.

Here's a pic and it should help:
Pokemon Magazine With Pikachu Promo

I'd really appreciate it if you can pick up 2 copies of the Magazine with the Pikachu Promo Card for me please. Of course, if you don't have the time to get it then do not worry.

Sorry for such late notice, I hope it doesn't cause too much of a problem for you :(
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Alright! xD I'll check the Toys R Us and the convenient stores to see if they have it! :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

... If you find them, could you get me one, too? >.> <.<
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Voor mij een glaasje bubbels
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

@Athena: Will do!

@Brent: Komt eraan schat. ;)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

I would appreciate one of the magazines as well, if you find them, please. :) Actually, make that two, if possible, please.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Brent said:
Voor mij een glaasje bubbels

Mijn familie vroeg zich af waarom ik ineens zo moest lachen. I blame the internet.

Ik moet ook niet meer internetten met visite in huis..
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Could you pencil me in for one of the magazines as well?

And I said I wouldn't buy anything else... >.>
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

Yea I can do that. I already sent your package, though, so it has to be in a new one (if I can find them that is).
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

If you can find them, I'm ok with shipping another package. :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

WHAAAAAAAAAT so that Magazine has the pikachu football promo!? :O if you find enough then for me one as well haha but if you don't have time to check at all I understand xD I want that promo ;u;
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Not Taking New Orders Unless You REALLY Want/Need Something

A reminder

Water Pokémon Master said:
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