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Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Could you pm me my total? I'm not sure if I can order more because I don't know how much the fees will be and all. Otherwise I can pay you and you can ship my package.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

It's a shame about the kids! But oh well. c:
Would love to see the receipt for my order if it's not too much hassle! How much did the Chesnaught pokedoll end up being?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

@Riraito: Will do.

@NeruCake: It's not a hassle at all. You can PM me your e-mail address. The Chesnaught Pokédoll cost 2484 Yen in the shop and the Helioptile 1234 Yen.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Am I right in thinking that the Pangoro, Tyrantrum, Chesnaught and Espurr charm sets come up to around 2510 yen? I'm going off the amazon prices here.
And if they don't go over 500, Dragonite and Metagross lines would be added to that too.

2510 + Shipping 800 + Fee 600
3910 Yen
3910 Yen = 22.79 Pounds = 27.67 Euro
+1000 Dragonite/Metagross
5000 Yen (rounded up)
29.14 Pounds -> 35.38 Euro

I'll just convert £30 to €36.43 so it's a round number and is easier for my brain.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Drohn said:
@NeruCake: It's not a hassle at all. You can PM me your e-mail address. The Chesnaught Pokédoll cost 2484 Yen in the shop and the Helioptile 1234 Yen.

Thank you! Sending you a PM now. c:
I might end up ordering some more stuff tonight as well.. Darn it, why do PC items have to be so amazing?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

How much are those charms Drohn? And did you get any pictures of the other ones?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I just uploaded the next batch of pictures (72 of them).

@Suikun: I believe the key charms are around 800 Yen.

@Riraito:When I uploaded them, photobucket didn't order them by number so you'll have to scroll through it to see all the pen cases. Luckily a lot of them still stuck together in there, though, so it shouldn't be too hard to find them all. :p

@Delta: They didn't have the Espurr/Meowstick charms last time I checked. Luke also wanted them. I know they have Tyrantrum and I'll have to check for the others. To be safe, are these the charms you mean? With other Pokémon, of course.

@Fox: There is also some FIFA Pikachu merchandise. Here's a picture: http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/Drohn/media/PokeCenter/DSC_0126_zpsa950c38c.jpg.html?sort=3&o=40 and another of two mugs: http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/Drohn/media/PokeCenter/DSC_0087_zpsd2cbaa95.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Could you get me:

- Another Litleo Pokedoll (not for me this time though)
- A pencil case with Pikachu on it, otherwise the red one with Fokko (the Petit Pokémon ones).

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Drohn said:
I just uploaded the next batch of pictures (72 of them).

@Fox: There is also some FIFA Pikachu merchandise. Here's a picture: http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/Drohn/media/PokeCenter/DSC_0126_zpsa950c38c.jpg.html?sort=3&o=40 and another of two mugs: http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/Drohn/media/PokeCenter/DSC_0087_zpsd2cbaa95.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2

The mugs look awesome! I really want one of the blue ones, but I'm nervous that they wouldn't make it here in one piece :( Maybe if they were plastic? Also, are those stickers and clear files next to and under the pencils? I couldn't find them anywhere to double check. The only thing my internet search came up with was the notebook ._. There's no need to go out of your way to check though if you're not sure.

Unless the mugs are durable enough to make it here via normal airmail, my new list so far is:
  • petite mew keychain plush

Thanks for all of the new photos :) It's very tempting to buy everything >.< I love the new petite Pokemon and FIFA stuff :3 I will be adding more to the list as new merchandise gets released in the coming weeks. Thanks again for keeping an eye on the FIFA Pikachu items! I can't wait till more gets released :D
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Do you know what the white boxes on the middle shelf in this picture are? I know it's not the mug because the mugs are in the boxes next to it. I'm so confused and intrigued because the artwork looks really good on white!

Also Drohn, long shot, but do you know how much the cookie tin on the same shelf was? I've been looking around everywhere and apparently that's the only one with no price on the internet! (Unless I've missed it entirely.) I mean in this picture it kind of looks like 834.. but it could also be 8134 or something. I just have to pick the hardest items, haha..
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

@Riraito: Got it!

@Fox: I'm not sure what material they are. I'll check it out! Those are stickers. I don't think they had clear files though.

@NeruCake: The things on the left are small flat-ish dish like things. I found a picture of something similar from the Inkay collection: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-i6r7hOMGytM/UrPmHYFbFUI/AAAAAAAADO4/4TDhmAcLo4c/s1600/131220_p01_pic08.jpg
The cookie jar definitely isn't more than 8000 Yen. :p Most are around 1000 Yen, but I didn't check the price for that one.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Well, I definitely want one of the Absol key charms then. I'm also liking a couple of the mugs, especially the Eeveelutions one. :D
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Ohh, thanks! Is the Inkay collection still running now that there's the Espurr Wanted collection? Had it been replaced or? Just curious!

Whoohoo! Thanks for that. c:
I was actually just continuing my search for a price and manged to find out the cookie tins are 834 yen! Can't believe I managed to read those fuzzy letters right, haha!

When you go to the PC next would you be able to get me a few more things please? ;u;
-Espurr Wanted cookie tin (Hopefully they still have them!)
-Greninja pokedoll
-Fletchling pokedoll
-Inkay pokedoll

I'm a sucker for the plushies..
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Will do! They still have a lot Inkay stuff (at least they did last time I checked, which was last week). :p
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

If they're in stock, can you pick up for me:
Espurr Charms, Charmander - Charizard Charms, Pangoro Charms, Chesnaught Charms, Tyrantrum Charms, Heliolisk Charms and Mega Charizard X Charms.

If Chesnaught isn't there then Greninja, if Greninja isn't there then Mega Venusaur (as long as MV doesn't go over 1,000).
If Espurr isn't there then Magikarp.
specifics >:[

Don't know if you should wait until I send you the money or not D:
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Thank you!! I'll work it out and send the money tomorrow, it's way too late for me to be attempting to brain up numbers correctly. 8I
Will you go in again this weekend? May add to my order when I get paid tomorrow night. I shouldn't. But oh how I want to!

@Delta - It's raining charms! Hallelujah! :'D
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

You know you've been ordering too much when you start calculating how many pokedolls you can buy with the money you get NEXT MONTH.

I hope you don't mind if I send some people over from other sites? It's sad to see people paying $25 for a PC plush when they're a lot cheaper in the PC.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Hahah I think I know who you're referring to Riraito! it's me lol

Anyways, if they are available still, would you mind picking me up a Goomy Pokecen Plush, a Goomy Clearfile, and a Sliggoo Clearfile? And, what would the total for that come to? I'm a bit poor so I just want to make sure before I commit to anything <3

Thanks so much!
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I think Goomy is 1234 yen (according to Amazon) and the clearfiles are 216 yen each ( at least my clearfiles were). That's 1666 yen in total (about $16). But that's before the 600 yen fee, transportation costs (440 yen divided by the number of people ordering) and shipping.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Oh yes I think I can afford them then! so long as the total comes out less than $36 (3688 yen I guess) which I think it will, unless shipping is really expensive

Umm so yeah if you could pick me a up the Goomy Pokecen Plush, and a Goomy and Sliggoo clearfile next time you go, that would be so great! And uh when should I pay? and to where? i guess you'll probably pm me, excuse my ignorance