Dumb Laws in your State/Country

^I thought you would die. I wasn't sure if the tower was like 12 feet tall or something (but now that I think about it, 12 feet tall isn't really a tower). :)
^Makes sense. But what doesn't is the fact that a label for Dolly Madison Bakery Cherries says:

Artificially Flavored Real Fruit
In my little city in Ohio, it's illegal to install/use slot machines in outhouses. I don't think anyone here even has an outhouse.
Also, In NY It is illegal for a woman to be on the street wearing “body hugging clothing”.
I'm like Wut?
lol my county in Georgia has a law where you can't ride a bike on a sidewalk after 6 PM through 9 AM
Well, the best one for England is:

An Englishman may shoot a Welshman when standing on the bridge between the border of England and Wales with a crossbow.
I read about a law once that you couldn't legally walk in public without shoes here in Austin.

But, uh, I'm pretty sure that's bull :/
Gays can't get married here, thats kinda silly. Its also illegal to insult someone while wearing a cloak. And hunting is prohibited in Mountain View Cemetery in Deming. Oh and you can't carry a lunchbox down main street in Las Cruces. I wonder what odd, specific crimes caused these things.
I live in New Mexico BTW.
I found out in Ohio that it is illegal to get a fish drunk.
In Alabama, it is illegal to spit in front of the opposite gender.
In Texas it is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.
I find it hard to believe that Porygon3 isn't trolling.
In my glorious nation of New Zealand, police do not carry guns in their holsters when on duty. Handguns are not allowed. Instead, they have M4s in certain stationwagon police vehicles which higher ranking officers drive and are only allowed access to firearms when absolutely in need. Fail cops
In Florida...

Doors of all public buildings must open outwards.

Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner.

A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.

You may not fart in a public place after 6 PM.

It is considered an offense to shower naked.

Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging.
I'm in New Zealand.

It is illegal to wander the streets at night with your face blackened.
Shopkeepers have to write prices in red ink on books or magazines that come in installments.
I heard it is illegal to not vote in Australia. For short, if the US and Canada was Australia, over 40% of the citizens would be commiting crimes everytime an election occures ( So statistics show )

In Villaharmosa Mexico, you can be sent to jail for being naked in your house outside the shower.
Silly String is banned in Los Angelas
I heard fish bowls are banned in Monza Italy.
In Houston you can get a fine and kicked out of a library permanately if you go in with body odor.
Feeding the Homeless is illegal in Vegas
In Stafford Borough, England it is illegal to possess the flag of the Jolly Roger.
Stafford New Jersey has a ban on the music of ice cream trucks
Chewing Gum is banned in Singapore
Saggy pants is banned in Delcambre Louisiana
Lobster is banned in Reggio Italy ( Eating it obviously )
Karaoke in Libium Georgia

And in my studies, these two stood out as the most hilarious
Excuses are banned Megion Siberia
Satan is banned in Inglis Florida