I heard it is illegal to not vote in Australia. For short, if the US and Canada was Australia, over 40% of the citizens would be commiting crimes everytime an election occures ( So statistics show )
In Villaharmosa Mexico, you can be sent to jail for being naked in your house outside the shower.
Silly String is banned in Los Angelas
I heard fish bowls are banned in Monza Italy.
In Houston you can get a fine and kicked out of a library permanately if you go in with body odor.
Feeding the Homeless is illegal in Vegas
In Stafford Borough, England it is illegal to possess the flag of the Jolly Roger.
Stafford New Jersey has a ban on the music of ice cream trucks
Chewing Gum is banned in Singapore
Saggy pants is banned in Delcambre Louisiana
Lobster is banned in Reggio Italy ( Eating it obviously )
Karaoke in Libium Georgia
And in my studies, these two stood out as the most hilarious
Excuses are banned Megion Siberia
Satan is banned in Inglis Florida