Oh but that would be crazy!Should we throw a snowball in the direction of the splashing sound?
I'm using flamethrower to light the place up let's see what it is before taking any hostile action
You tag him. (Also, you don't need to help me. Other people have gotten into a battle just trying to find me. Just go on your own, I should hopefully be able to handle this low level enemy.)(how do I submit actions to Keeper?)
I meant shoot a weak one into the air so we can seeAnd sending a fountain of flame in it's general direction doesn't seem like a hostile action?!?
Perhaps someone here has a non-snowball, non-fire solution so we can see what we are dealing with?
Spoink - slap a bandage on that wound before whatever is having a bubble bath in the dark catches the scent of fresh blood![]()
I meant shoot a weak one into the air so we can see
You tag him. (Also, you don't need to help me. Other people have gotten into a battle just trying to find me. Just go on your own, I should hopefully be able to handle this low level enemy.)
i thought keeper said it was really loud here?I know I am just giving you a hard time
But I do wonder if any of our companions could put out a soft, warm, gentle glowing light that might make this unknown entity less likely to attack us in a furious rage?
Also, whatever happened to the humming sound? Is it still here or is it not present in the new chamber?
I'm not sure I'll be safe, but I'm pretty sure searching for me won't help.Thanks! And if you're sure you'll be OK, @Keeper of Night, I'd like to take the compass from whoever has it or wherever it is. No one's replied to my question!![]()
@Keeper of Night Spire is not just waiting. She is actively watching out for things, scanning the treeline for signs of the now three missing Pokemon :/
Spire stands back up and begins to search the tree line, waiting for signs that something might be amiss. She hears nothing but the faint hum from earlier.@Keeper of Night I would like to wait for signs of Swablu
Salandit falls down the pit after the others, landing in the snow.@Keeper of Night, I would like to go in the hole too.
Eevee attempts to guard Swablu! ...But Eevee is not in battle, and Swablu is nowhere to be seen.@Keeper of Night I'll guard Swablu
Shinx slowly walks to the right, before lighting himself up once again. He notices that the path slopes downward, but seems to curve toward the end, preventing him from seeing anything toward the end.@Keeper of Night I head a few meters to the right and shine again so we can make out what, if anything, is there.
Quick summary for you @Celever
There used to be a humming sound coming from the ground, but haven't had an update on that in a bit.
Also, whatever happened to the humming sound? Is it still here or is it not present in the new chamber?
Until I post another update you can assume the previous still holds true. I'll just guess you missed this detail.The humming sound has picked up significantly, and in the cave they hear it as a loud banging.
Spoink bounces toward the left side, where the cave seemingly ends.@Keeper of Night I'll go snuffling around the apparent dead end on the left to investigate.
Phanpy falls into the pit, and picks up the broken compass with his trunk. It tickles him a little bit. Even without the needle, the device seems to still be vibrating.@Keeper of Night, I'd like to take the compass from whoever has it or wherever it is. No one's replied to my question!
Cutiefly lets out a loud buzzing. Nothing happens.Everyone cover your earballs! @Keeper of Night of night I'm going to use Bug Buzz to see if the loud noise might drive out any enemies
You currently only have access to the moves Dragon Rush and Disarming Voice, as per your character sheet.@Keeper of Night I start by using Cotton Guard to defend myself. If that doesn't work, I'll use Dragon Rush.
@Keeper of Night i enter battle & dazzling gleam on this pair of fairy pushovers
Cutiefly launches a powerful Dazzling Gleam on the two Deino! It hits both, and sends them reeling.I'll move in front you and use Flamthrower on one of the Deino! @Keeper of Night
Aaaaaugh! *Bouncing becomes frantic*Spoink - slap a bandage on that wound before whatever is having a bubble bath in the dark catches the scent of fresh blood![]()
Interesting, maybe later I will *squeak* investigate. I need to think...Spoink bounces toward the left side, where the cave seemingly ends.
In the dim light she can just make out a series of obviously sculpted rocks at the bottom. They appear to be statues of some kind, but the design is indistinguishable from wear.
Are you on the surface or down here in the dark tunnels? I'd like to *squeak* help but if you're in the forest I don't think I can get up there from down here... I can only bounce so high apparently.It got me. Help! I'm in pain. I'm going to die!!!![]()
@Keeper of Night I'll send out an extremely loud Disarming Voice, to alert others to my location and to attack the Driftloon. I suggest that others should locate me by my voice.
Are you on the surface or down here in the dark tunnels?