Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

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Yo Gears, come down here, metal is affected by polarity, and the source of the polarity weirdness might be the humming. I want to see if the humming is organic or mechanical.
Hmm ... I rather think being "affected by polarity" is not so much in my best interests atm. You're welcome to grab the compass, if you'd like. :L
I knew the solution was to turn back someone go back up swablu while we dig
@Keeper of Night
I follow trapinch and shinx in the chasm after yelling LEEROY JENKINS!
Bagon gives up on digging his tunnel and jumps in the hole after Trapinch and Shinx.

@Keeper of Night I go down into the hole and take Litwick with me.
Salandit attempts to grab Litwick, but the candle doesn't move. He seems to be asleep.

@Keeper of Night has the stick I've been holding towards @bbninjas flame dried up yet, or is this a fruitless endeavor?
Slowpoke wakes up, and notices the stick he is holding has dried completely. His tail also feels weird. What's this red flickering stuff covering it? Probably not a big deal.

I'm going to go try to find Swablu! She's the only one not here! @Keeper of Night
Chimchar attempts to find Swablu, but doesn't know which way she went! Should he enter the forest on his own anyway?
@Keeper of Night I float down into the new chasm to make sure trapinch and shinx are alright, and then start to explore the surrounding area.
@Keeper of Night I'll join them in the chasm.
@Keeper of Night
I'll follow down the chasm
One by one the other Pokemon follow down the hole, and jump into the discovered cave. The area seems too dark to venture further into.

@Keeper of Night I shall attack this drifloon with dazzling gleam
Cutiefly uses Dazzling Gleam! ...But there are no targets in the area.

oh that answers that before i even get that far. chimchar & i should probably find swablu first then, use my gleam to light the way?
Oh, they finally got somewhere with the hole.

Okay, then, I don't see much of a choice here.

@Keeper of Night
I use a precise series of ice shards to form steps on the straightest side of the tunnel (I understand the hole has one side that doesn't turn inside towards the cave, and it has only a slight inclination?) Then, I walk down those steps. If necessary, I do it again to reach the newly discovered tunnel.

If my knowledge of the cave is wrong, then I'll just blizzard to the bottom to create a soft, plush mound of snow, and jump on it to soften my fall.
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*bounce bounce bounce*

To bounce or not to bounce, that is the question. Whether is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of-

Oh enough talking.

@Keeper of Night I take a deep breath (and also some of these delicious truffles I found in the roots of the trees while I was out walking) and bounce into the chasm along with the others.

Yep! I'm going in! Let's go, Cutiefly! @Keeper of Night
last i saw, she went "forward", so lets head that general direction while i gleam to light the way @Keeper of Night

Chimchar and Cutiefly head together in the direction they believe Swablu went.
As they head into the forest, the area begins to quickly darken. Cutiefly lights the way, but the light doesn't seem to pierce very far ahead of them.
In the darkness in front of them, they hear a commotion. Do they head toward it? Or turn back, where it seems to be lighter?

@Keeper of Night I use the electricity in my fur to light up the cave long enough to at least have some idea of our surrounding environnement.
Meanwhile, in the cave, Shinx lights his fur for a brief second. On their left appears to be nothing more than a dead end. However, they notice the cave funnels down further to their right.
A splash can be heard, as though something was disturbed.

@Keeper of Night
I use a precise series of ice shards to form steps on the straightest side of the tunnel (I understand the hole has one side that doesn't turn inside towards the cave, and it has only a slight inclination?) Then, I walk down those steps. If necessary, I do it again to reach the newly discovered tunnel.

If my knowledge of the cave is wrong, then I'll just blizzard to the bottom to create a soft, plush mound of snow, and jump on it to soften my fall.
A brief update on the hole!
As for the rest of that... I uh...

Vulpix freezes a small ramp down into the pit's entrance, and lowers herself inside. Then, looking down on the others in the cave, creates a small blizzard over them. As they get out of the way, Vulpix jumps on top of the snow that has piled up.

@Keeper of Night, Imma follow them all down into the chasm.
Klink floats down into the cave, following Vulpix's performance.

@Keeper of Night I take a deep breath (and also some of these delicious truffles I found in the roots of the trees while I was out walking) and bounce into the chasm along with the others.
I'm sorry to the rest of you, but Spoink is still by FAR my favorite character.

Spoink bounces into the cave after Klink, landing with perfect form despite the distance.
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So Cutiefly, should we split up? Odds are if we do, one of us goes back and the other finds Swablu.
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