E3 2009

Do you think this year wil be better than last year?

  • Yep

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • Not a chance

    Votes: 2 10.0%

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Metroid and Mario Bros. Wii are going to kick but! Oh, and the Zelda Game (wii) was just revealed (thanks joystiq!). Looking at a 2010 release date.

Amazon is listing all the E3 games as $10 more than what we would normally pay for a DS or Wii game.
Am I think only one noticing this overload of Wii-wannabe stuff?
PlayStation Motion Controller and Project Natal

Sony and MS's silly attempts at trying to use the Wii's success to their advantage. However, they both fail on pretty much the same level, little to no buttons.

The Wii's motion sensing is incorporated in the controller, which means it also has all the necessary buttons at its disposal, sure, you can have some silly golf game with one of PS's wands (you can't with MS's, though, you're holding nothing ._.), but for more advanced games, there's no way this can be done. Another problem with the PS's wand thing is that it honestly isn't functional, the control stick on the Wii allows for movement, but the guy demonsrtrating possible FPS gameplay with the wand was literally limited to the virtual room shown on his screen, you can't play a game like that.

The MS one seems even worse, they seem to think that gamers only want to jump around the room crawling over floors or something, pointing at stuff and saying what it should do, not only do I doubt that this'll be functional, it probably also won't be able to produce any decent game aside from some silly dance games. Also, how big are these guy's living rooms? I HAVE A BLOODY COUCH TO TAKE CARE OF.

The humour level of these 2 "new" "innovative" "inventions" was magnificent, and I'd love to see how much these end up failing upon release. I seriously hope nobody is as hyped as the newspapers seem to be.

About the conference itself, it definitely was WAY better than last year's (excluding the lack of Miyamoto :(, oh well), SMG2, New SMB Wii, and a lot of other pretty promising stuff. I'm not excited about the new Metroid because I saw very little gameplay, which only makes me wonder how the game will actually played, as I saw a lot of 3th person elements, but a first person element as well. Me not being a big FPS fan, I think I'd prefer a 3th person one. I'm guessing it'll be a combination, though. Oh well, LoZ has 1st person elements, and that works really well.

I'm glad they at least mentioned a Zelda game this year, but they could've at least showed us some more Spirit Tracks trailers or something...
I fully understand Miyamoto in not wanting to get stuff ready for the presentation and rather continue working on Zelda Wii, though. I honestly hope all the hard work pays off, but the LoZ team has failed to let me down so far, so I'm quite confident in that. Wii Motion plus would make actual sword play a little more viable, instead of just waggling your control stick, further advancing the battle system can't hurt, right? Well, as long as the increase the difficulty level, TP was rather easy to go through, as the battle system was really too advanced for the enemies to handle...
Well I can't wait for MAG (massive action game) 256 in a team OMFG. Then you got MW2 wow thats gonna be extremely good and then you got GOW3 that is going to be an epic thrill.

Who said there is going to be kingdom hearts??? Tell me now I love that game, its the best Eva!!!
the new supermario bros Wii. im watching E3 right now cuz im sick. :[ watch traileres at g4tv.com thats what i did. the new supermairo bros: inside Bowser (Super Mario RPG 3 is a better name >:O)
and of course EXPLORERS OF SKY <3 looks soo fun Zelda, Red Steel and KH looks sooooo much fun also!


Well, I still haven't heard anything about id Software (makers of Doom, Wolfenstein, Quake) having a booth or a showing, but they said they were going to... I guess it either wasn't covered, they decided against it, or I missed it.
I am really looking forward to Mario and Sonic, Dead space Extraction, Super mario galxy 2, and Metroid: Other M. I can only get one, though. :p
I want the metroid to FINALLY BE A SEQUAL. None of the prequal stuff, it's driving me insane.
But the most thing that I am hyped about is No more Heroes 2
Too bad, Delta. The story is delving deep into Samus's history, when she was a girl, as shown in the trailer. It'll most likely be a prequel because of that, and her suit.

I was super hyped when I heard FF XIV. Then I saw it: Online. Wow, way to ruin everybody's expectations.

dmaster out.
I'm still awestruck about Metal Gear Solid Rising...

Raiden is my favorite MGS Character.

Gamefreak734 said:
Was anyone else dissapointed with the lack of info on the new Ratchet and Clank game?

What the heck? Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time is there for PS3. -___-

dmaster out.
Delta said:
I want the metroid to FINALLY BE A SEQUAL. None of the prequal stuff, it's driving me insane.
But the most thing that I am hyped about is No more Heroes 2

:D i must have missed this
the first one was hilarious

Im pissed about MGS not being exclusive to PS3 >.>
and the main character is raiden! i thought he was gay with all the flips he does and what not
Final Fantasy XIV already? Maybe you should, hmm, I dunno...actually release XIII first?

I'm looking forward to that, Left 4 Dead 2, Mario and Luigi 3, Galaxy 2, and Another M. And that Super Mario Bros. for the Wii.

There is something, that doesn't matter what you say, is the most awesome game that has and will ever exist, No More Heroes:Desperate Struggle.
If I don't buy this game, I will kill myself.
I am also buying Spirit Tracks for the DSi, when I have it.
Both the new Halo games, Left 4 Dead 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid: Other M, sdgasdg all these things make me crazy.

Heck yes you are a good E3 that makes up for last year's suck.
Definitely Left 4 Dead 2, the new Super Mario Bros, the new Mario Galaxy.
Especially Left 4 Dead 2. Epic.

I'm sad about no new Zelda announced. :[
infmach said:
There is something, that doesn't matter what you say, is the most awesome game that has and will ever exist, No More Heroes:Desperate Struggle.
If I don't buy this game, I will kill myself.
I am also buying Spirit Tracks for the DSi, when I have it.

NMH2 looks superb like it's predecessor, I'll be picking it up for sure.

So.. why has nobody mentioned Golden Sun DS? That has to be one of the best announcements of the show in my opinion.