Yup, just as their banner says:
Just started!
Edit edit: i love you iwata
Edit edit edit: e3 press conference will be focused primarily on wii u games
Edit edit edit edit: controller is called "wii u gamepad"
Edit edit edit edit edit: changes include movement of the start/select buttons and circle pads are now analog sticks, dpad moved as well.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit: wii u can now serve as a tv remote for regular tv watching.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: includes motion and gyro sensors.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: wii u accepts wii remote, nunchuck and wii fit pad.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: wii u has a "pro" controller similiar to the gamecube controller for the wii without a touch screen.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: looks like there is some kind of integration with mobile phones. Not available immediately at launch. Available from any web enabled mobile device.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: video chatting through remote controls,
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: black wii u controller.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: mii wara wara, an initial start up menu, which includes your mii, all the miis on your system, all your friends and all the miis in your country that speak your language who discuss a specific game, which include tiles for which games are played most by your friends/everyone around the world surrounded by those playing those games, coined the "mii-verse"
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: wii-verse is a communication system, which can be activated whenever during a game without ending play. In game screenshots can also be taken/shared
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: wii u screen seen as a social window, allowing you to connect to others.
Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit: wii u can connect people through space and time, apparently a time machine.
tired of typing edit:
internet browser confirmed for both the TV and the Wii U controller.
black wii u
iwata is gon' be guest tweeting throughout E3
done live editing, read the above post for the main stuff from the show.