East City: Armstrong's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

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RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

HEY LV, if ur not to busy i need a new Feraligatr avvy & Banner, its for another forums, i like the one u already made & i'm keeping the 1 i have:D, plz???
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Hey LV,... I'm bored,... you didn't send me a pm for a request for a long time.

RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Name : Blaziken!
Trainer : Gary
Pokemon : 1 Blaziken 2 Infernape 3 Charizard 4 Typholosion 5 Arcanine 6 Magmortar
Background : Fire Type
Badges : Hoenn

Plz make this banner for me :) i'll be very thankful.
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

I'm looking for a trainer card

6 Pokemon:Mew, Snorlax, Cyndaquial,Squirtle,Treeko, Pikachu
Badges:All of the Johto Badges
Sprite:Johto Boy
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

can u do me a thunder pokemon banner with name Thunderdash on it
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Thunderdash said:
can u do me a thunder pokemon banner with name Thunderdash on it
1st strike! (be4 I tell a mod!)
Didn't read the rule's.
Didn't use a form.
Didn't say the secret word.
Didn't say what one's y wanted on it.
Didn't say what art/sprites you wanted me to use.
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

HEY LV, if ur not to busy i need a new Feraligatr avvy & Banner, its for another forums, i like the one u already made & i'm keeping the 1 i have, plz???
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Rickraptor77 said:
HEY LV, if ur not to busy i need a new Feraligatr avvy & Banner, its for another forums, i like the one u already made & i'm keeping the 1 i have, plz???
Plz use the forms!
When you do, then I'll make it!
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Name: Nisura
Trainer: Don't mind
Please make all Pokemon Shiny
Only 1 pokemon behind or beside trainer:None
Badges type 2: Include above Pokemon as well as Leafeon and Glacieon.
Type: Umm... I don't know what mean (sorry!)
Sprite: Diamond/Pearl

Link to Trainer Card Blank:http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q297/Light_Venusaur_2006/Trainer Cards/Blanks/ShadowLugiaTC.png

Could you Please make the above card? And how do I put it into mysig?
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Can you make me a Trainer card plz :)

Name : Blaziken!
ID : None
Sprite : Hoenn BOY
Pokemon : 1 Blaziken 2 Infernape 3 Charizard 4 Typholosion 5 Arcanine 6 Magmortar
Background : Any but Fire Color
Badges : all Hoenn Badges :)
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

hi! i need a favor... as you can read in my signature, i am currently organizing my own Gym...
THis is what i need from you...If i give you pictures of the badges that ive drawn for my gym, can you make them into Paint and make them Good Quality Pictures on the computer??/

im just asking you if you cant do it, thats fine, just please reply ok?

thank you in advance..


P.S. sprry but i didnt use the forms but you didnt have what i want on your list...im asking as a favor, if you dant want to or cant do it just reply saying no i cant K-Flygon... ok??? thanks again
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

The Envoy of Chaos said:
Name: Nisura
Trainer: Don't mind
Please make all Pokemon Shiny
Only 1 pokemon behind or beside trainer:None
Badges type 2: Include above Pokemon as well as Leafeon and Glacieon.
Type: Umm... I don't know what mean (sorry!)
Sprite: Diamond/Pearl

Link to Trainer Card Blank:http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q297/Light_Venusaur_2006/Trainer Cards/Blanks/ShadowLugiaTC.png

Could you Please make the above card? And how do I put it into mysig?

Blaziken! said:
Can you make me a Trainer card plz :)

Name : Blaziken!
ID : None
Sprite : Hoenn BOY
Pokemon : 1 Blaziken 2 Infernape 3 Charizard 4 Typholosion 5 Arcanine 6 Magmortar
Background : Any but Fire Color
Badges : all Hoenn Badges :)
^^: I'll make them...soonish.

K-Flygon said:
hi! i need a favor... as you can read in my signature, i am currently organizing my own Gym...
THis is what i need from you...If i give you pictures of the badges that ive drawn for my gym, can you make them into Paint and make them Good Quality Pictures on the computer??/

im just asking you if you cant do it, thats fine, just please reply ok?

thank you in advance..


P.S. sprry but i didnt use the forms but you didnt have what i want on your list...im asking as a favor, if you dant want to or cant do it just reply saying no i cant K-Flygon... ok??? thanks again
Yeah, if u have pics...I'll try to make them.
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Thank you !!!! here are the pics http://www.imageox.com/share/41647-9179539549.jpeg .. mabye they aren't so clear, if you have any questions PM me.....THanks again and take your time just do them.... the first one is a Dragon Egg badge , the second one 9under the dragon egg) is the dragon Claw Badge, the third one is the dragons Rage badge, forth one is the Dragon Scale badge, Fifth is the Dragon Scale badge, Sixth is the SalamenceWings Badge, Seventh is the CharizardWings Badge , and the Final badge is the FlygonWings Badge..

i hope the names help.... i am not a very good artist,...:)

thank you again.....
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Quick question, how do you make the trainer cards and banners?
What program do you use and where do you get your images/sprites/ect?
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Aqua Smeargle said:
Quick question, how do you make the trainer cards and banners?
What program do you use and where do you get your images/sprites/ect?
If u don't have a request....go away.
As I think of it as SPAM.
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Aqua Smeargle said:
Quick question, how do you make the trainer cards and banners?
What program do you use and where do you get your images/sprites/ect?

She probably makes them in paint, and she more than likely steals the sprites from serebii.net and/or netbattle.
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

The King of Aipom said:
Aqua Smeargle said:
Quick question, how do you make the trainer cards and banners?
What program do you use and where do you get your images/sprites/ect?

She probably makes them in paint, and she more than likely steals the sprites from serebii.net and/or netbattle*.
*SPPF-No longer! (I use eaither PKE2, Beach or Pokesho)
**Never heard of them!
Also I do use:
Gimp: Backgrounds/drops WBG's
MSP: TC's, Text on banners...now badges for my gym.
RE: Konoha Village: Kakashi's workshop....Request for almost anything! (plz use forms)

Hi, can you make me a TCG banner? Thanks in advance
EEVEE ROX (I read the rules)
I'm confused. It doesn't really matter to me which person makes it. So who do I request? (Sorry about this, I don't get it) I guess whoever wants to...
Card Name: Mightyena ex
Set Name: EX Holon Phantoms
Card Name: Tyranitar ex
Set Name: EX Unseen Forces
Card Name: Umbreon ex
Set Name: EX Unseen Forces
Card Name: Shiftry ex
Set Name: EX Crystal Guardians

A. Background Color/ Image: Black please
B. Images: Just the cards please
C. Text: POKEMON DARK CLAN (In caps please)
All the scans are from PokeBeach, so WPM and whoever is in charge of PokeBeach deserve the credit.
Thanks again!:)
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