Pokemon Eevee More|or| Eevee Much?

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okay fair enough... its' sad i realise that im kind of thinking on the spot!!!

well what about....


or Infereon im lost for ideas???
Those options are unacceptable. Return to your thinking spot and image a better name for those Eevees. *salute*

I think it's time to stop acting military.
Eevee + Water Stone = Vaporeon
Eevee + Thunderstone = Jolteon
Eevee + Fire Stone = Flareon
Eevee + Shiny Stone = Espeon
Eevee + Dusk Stone = Umbreon
Eevee + Leaf Stone = Leafeon
Eevee + Dawn Stone = Glaceon

Now the new...
Eevee + Moon Stone = Elementeon
Elementeon is the combination of Eevee's seven other evolutions, transformed unto just one! It can learn:
Tackle - LV1
Mud-Slap - LV5
Encore - LV10
Calm Mind - LV20
Flamethrower - LV20
Water Gun - LV20
Thunderbolt -LV20
At LV30, depending on how it level passed, it learns:
Razor Leaf - When Defeated wild Pok?n
Psychic - When Defeated a trainer
Ice Beam - When Defeated a Gym Leader (very hard to go)
Shadow Ball - When was in battle and attacked in all Elite Four battles without being Knocked Out (almost impossible)
And Baton Pass, in LV whats-his-level.

His biggest stat? SATK, duh. He's normal type.
I love the Chromeon idea for a steel type.

Aereon - Flying.
Solumeon - Ground. It could also be applied to a Rock type, too.
Phasmeon - Ghost.
Bataleon - Fighting.
Nympheon - Bug.

- Aero (Somewhat obvious)
- Solum is the latin word for earth. (Actually it's more than earth. Soil, ground, earth, land, country. It still applies though.)
- Phasma is another latin word meaning ghost.
- Batalla is the spanish word for battle.
- Nymph
Still not sure of a name for a Dragon type.
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
Actually... no.  Only three of your seven evolutions are accurate.  The others don't even use stones.

It's a fake Eeveelution line. The true is:

Vappy    Flary    Jolty
\  \
Esppy   Umbby
/  /
Leafeon   Glaceon​
What? No... Leafeon should be via Level up in somewhere... same with Glaceon, in different areas... and Espy anc Umbry are time-based... so why to they both evolve from Flareon?
It's actually..

Eevee - Time Based Day Night - Area Location
/ | \ / \ / \
Vap Flare Jolt Esp Umb Glac Leaf

IM pretty sure thats a bit more closer, ???
Adamant Jirachi said:
It's actually..

      Eevee    - Time Based  Day Night                - Area Location
     /   |    \                      /           \                 /            \
Vap  Flare  Jolt             Esp           Umb        Glac           Leaf

IM pretty sure thats a bit more closer, ???

To make it a bit more thorough and easy to see:


Stone Evolutions:
Waterstone: Vaporeon
Thunderstone: Jolteon
Firestone: Flareon

Time Evolutions:
Level Up + Max Friendship + Day = Espeon
Level Up + Max Friendship + Night = Umbreon

Location Evolutions
Level Up at Moss Rock in Eterna Forest: Leafeon
Level Up at Ice Rock in Route 217: Glaceon

for the thorough explination and for clearing things up!


new ideas, names, types lets go!!!
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