Pokemon Eevee More|or| Eevee Much?

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in that case..i say more eeveelutions coz i want to see the dragon one a nd a steel one..
You kow the pokemon Lumineon? the one that evolves from finneon, Lumineon would have been a cool name for a ghost eeveelution
haha hey yeah i was also thinking of that too!

I thought the very same. Besides that is a cool name Lumineon xD

Adamant Jirachi....
Ghost - Spookeon
Ground - Gaiaeon (guy-ya-eon)
Poison - Toxeon
Bug - Insecteon
Flying - Soareon
Steel - Mechaneon
Well for flying Soareon.[I know lame -.-]
I like the one that Beowolf thought of for fighting,Victoreon.
Drakeon: Dragon{R} - http://media.photobucket.com/image/drakeon/Asurefire/drakeon.jpg?o=1 best example- Full hapiness with high atk
Plateon: steel{M} - Has steel plates growing on his body and hid ears form a sheild when put together - full hapiness with high def
Shadeon: Ghost{P} - Has Black fur and his coller is blood red and is like fire, his tail floats behind him also like a flame - lvl up when hp in red
Pixieon or Faireon{C}: flying - Half the size of eevee and has wings and tail like clouds, its pink -full hapiness with high speed
Dirteon: ground{F} - has rocks growing out back - lvl up in a sandstorm or something
Shadeon the ghost eevee, please don't post in threads that haven't had new posts for two weeks or more. Thanks. :3

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