Pokemon Eevee More|or| Eevee Much?

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I think that there will never be a Dragon Eevee. It would look really wierd. Think about it, it would look like a cut and paste avatar that you see around the forums. A Steel Eevee is one of the most feasible.
I feel the same way you do, except with a flying type. It's an awesome idea, but it would look really weird. At least a steel type or a poison type would be able to look more eevee-like.​
Here's my attempt, including evoltion requirements.

Fighting - Battalion. Derived from battalion, a military term. Evolve by level up + happiness + hold item.

Ghost - Skeleon. I know skeletons aren't ghosts, but it's spooky enough for a Ghost type eeveelution for me.

Steel - Fereon. The elemental symbol for Iron is Fe. This is derived from the word Ferrum, which is the Latin for Iron. It's perhaps not well known enough to cut it as the basis of an eeveelution name though. Just trying to throw something else into the mix with Chromeon (which I like, btw). Eevee would evolve by holding Steel Coat and Leveling up at an Ironworks location.

Flying - The two best ideas have already been aired, if you'll excuse my pun. I really like both of Aereon and Grypheon. As an eeveelution name, I probably like Aereon a little better, since all evolutions are single type only and a gryphon pokemon would really have to be normal/flying.

Ground - Terreon/Gaeon/Gaieon. From Terra (Earth) and Gaea/Gaia (Earth Mother) respectively. Evolve by level up while Paralyzed.

Poison - Veneon. From venom. I tried really hard to come up with something other than simply Toxeon/Poiseon... wasn't easy and even now i'm not sure it's all that great. Evolve by level up while Poisoned.

Dragon - Drakeon/Draceon. From Drake/Draco- respectively. Alternatively, Saureon. From Sauropod, a type of dinosaur.

Bug - Crawleon
Rock - Geon

Ok, I'm really reaching for the last two there...
Well i have looked over many people's attempts at creating Eeveelutions and i think that this is a proper way of going about it!

Steel- Chromeon - Evolution Holding Steel Coat, Level Up In A Building

Ghost- Ghouleon - Derived From Ghoul, Evolves by Leveling Up at EXACTLY 12:00 MIDNIGHT whilst holding (Spell Tag)

Flying- Aereon Derived obviously from AIR! and evolves with 1st Pokemon In Party is a Flying Type, knows Fly, and Levels Up.

Poison- Toxeon, Derived from Toxic, Evolves only after battling a Poison Pokemon and Leveling Up

Ground- Crusteon, Derived from Earth's Crust, Evolves While Underground, In Bases, Etc. After Leveling Up

Bug- Secteon, Obviously derived from insect, Evolves whilst Battling A Pokemon Found using the Honey Method, and Leveling Up

Rock- Bouldeon, Derived from Boulder, and Evolves while holding Hard Rock, and Leveling Up

Dragon- Drakeon, Derived from drake, Evolves whilst holding dragon Scale, and Battling a Dragon type and Leveling Up.

Fighting- Battalion, Derived from Battle, Evolves when winning a Tough Master Contest, and holding Black Belt

Well thats my personal Opinion? :D

Anyone like it?
Well im sorry you dont like bug Type WillSSj, but eeveelutions are going to be of ALL TYPES!!! xD

Adamant Jirachi....
This is the ultimate name for a bug eeveelution: Arachneon.

Arachneon: For arachnid, as in a spider.
dragon evo- ryueon ryu coming from the japanese name for dragon

here's a link for the picture of one just imagine it mixed with an eevee

Adamant Jirachi said:
Well im sorry you dont like bug Type WillSSj, but eeveelutions are going to be of ALL TYPES!!! xD

Adamant Jirachi....

i wish to be all types of eeveelutions..and i dont really mind if it will be a bug eeveelution..
just a plain normal evolution for eevee would be cool. i don't know what it would be called tho, cause eventually they will run out of types and just make him evolve normally =P
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