Finished Eeveelution RPG

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~Lucrecian and Shatter sit there waiting for the mission to start~

Lucrecian *W*: Aww Shatter they have a problem with dieing" *Sigh*

Shatter *W*: Well, of course they do stupid, they weren't born like you.

~She hits him across the head~

Lucrecian: Well, sorry...Gosh.

~They both just go sit by the water and wait~
*Shade gets up.*
"Alright, we don't have much time, so here's what we do. All of us are going to split up and find members of the team. We'll bring them all here by midnight so we can sort all this out. All of us needs to search long and hard, no slacking off and no breaks. If you decide that you don't want to proceed with the mission, you may leave now and no one will judge you for it. Does anyone have any questions?"
~Lucrecian and Shatter stand up~

Lucrecian: "Finally we start doing things"

Shatter:"Well, hurry up, tell us where they are..."

~Shatter waits impatiently~
"I don't know! If I did, I'd just teleport to them and bring them here myself. Which is why I need you guys... You will all be given relics of power, like my Sonic Bands."
*Points to wristbands.*
"I have at the house. I'll teleport us there now, unless you have anything left to do..."
~Shatter looks at him angrily~

Shatter: "So it was a lie, you don't know where they are" *Hhhmmmpph*

~Obviously she is angry, Lucrecian mysteriously calls someone telepathically~

Lucrecian: "No need for your little accessories, me and Shatter are going by air, it covers more ground and view more land"

~Out from the East came big Blue Dragonite at the speed of sound~

???: "Hi, master Lucrecian are you ready to go" *Smiles*

Shatter: "Bella!!!!"

Lucrecian: Well, we will be heading out"
"I never said I knew where they were."
*Teleports to the base. Takes the Flight Cape and ties it on.*
"Stupid Lucrecian..."
*Flies off at sonic speed, looking for the team.*
~They both get on Bella's back~

Bella: "Master where would you like me to head first???"

Lucrecian: "Bella, you know you don't have to call me master, now lets head north!!!"

Bella: 'Yes Sir"

~The fly off towards the northern part of the region~
~As they fly north~

Bella: "Excuse me sir, is that one of your friends?" *Points*

Lucrecian: "I don't know, Shatter?"

~Shatter looks down~

Shatter:"That's a rock'

Lucrecian: "No, the other thing" *Frown/point*

Shatter: "Oh, nope."
~Still flying without a care in the world~

Shatter: "Darian!!!!! Glespen!!!!!!!!"

~Lucrecian laying over Bella's head~

Lucrecian: "Seriously this is a waste of time" *Sigh*

Shatter: "Well, obviously if we are not getting anywhere...."
~Bella swiftly stops~

Bella: "Ms. is that one of your friends?" *Point*

~Shatter looks down~

Shatter: "That's Darian!!!~

Lucrecian: 'Finally...."

~Bella flies down to Darian~
~Bella lands on the ground~

Shatter: "The star that keeps Shade and Mysticwater alive has broken, and we need to bring everyone back together to fix it."

Lucrecian:"The bonds have been crushed and need to be repaired, you have a duty to fulfill which includes fixing the star."

~Darian looks at lucrecian like "Who are you"~

Shatter: "So we must hurry, Shade is looking for the others."
"... Fine."
*Shade looks around desperately.*
~Darian joins us on Bella's back and Bella takes a water out of her carrier bag and shows it to Darian~

Bella: "Beverage sir?"

Shatter: "Now how many more people are left I'm at a loss, we found yo u but where is Glespen?"
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