Finished Eeveelution RPG

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~Lucrecian looks at Jordan~

Lucrecian: "Just because I look it, don't mean that it's me, I just want to get out of here already"

Shatter:"Hopefully the plan worked" *Shrug*
Jordan - "Fine, I'll shut my mouth. But if I find out anything about you I will report you to Shade immediately."
~Lucrecian smirks and walks behind a rock~

Lucrecian:"Report me if you want, he wouldn't do anything anyways"

~He lays down~

Shatter: "You two be quiet!!!"
*Moonlight tries to make it sound like shes fine with it when shes really not. Also She trys not to let Shade know shes sad*
Moonlight *T* "....ya (sniff)...its great that you are with MysticWater again..."
*She was trying to cover up her crying when talking to Shade*
~Shatter hits Jordan on the head~

Shatter: "Shush, you both are acting like little kids"

~Lucrecian can hear the conversation between Moonlight and Shade~

Lucrecian *T*: "If you really love him, you would help him survive.....doesn't love her as much as you...."
~Lucrecian smirks~

Lucrecian *T*: Well, it looks like your having trouble telling her yourself, but ok I will butt out. Good luck" *Chuckles*

Shade: "I hit him many times Jordan"
*Moonlight growls and walks deeper into the forest*
Moonlight *T* to both Shade and Lucrecian: "I know... as long as it helps him"
*Moonlight comes up to a small lake, very deep in the forest. She sits down and starts crying again*
Jordan looks at Shatter with a somewhat angry face

Jordan - "I refuse to beleive you. But just for the sake of getting back with Shade I'll stick with you. I know you were talking with Shade a couple minutes ago, I just didn't want to get in to you two's ""Telepathy Conversation"."
~Shatter looks at Jordan~

Shatter:"So naive, if you don't believe me, don't believe me. But I'm right so I know I don't have to deal with you. And if you knew than that's good for you. I don't know why your getting made at me."
*Moonlight looks suprised and looks away whiping of her tears trying not to let him see that she was crying*
Moonlight: "...Shade you will have to love MysticWater truely for you to save the star..and when you do love her truely..."
*She looks away again*
Moonlight: " wont love me anymore..."
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