Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Electimortar said:
(Umm half the pages on this thread is "Shade blah blah blah why do you cheat on me?!" and "I don't know but I like it and I want to stay with you." And boom, they make up, and it happens again :/)

(I'm not the one who always puts him in these positions, other people take control of the storyline and make it that way.)
~She turns to Jordan~

Shatter:"I think I was informing the others, self centered shirlock" *Grunt*
*Moonlight looks at sadly and then she looks up at the sky wich is now getting darker*
Moonlight: "Shade, i dont want you to die because of im leaving"
*She frowns and hugs him, her cresent moonmark starts to glow then she dissapears*
Ziggoratt999 said:
Electimortar said:
(Umm half the pages on this thread is "Shade blah blah blah why do you cheat on me?!" and "I don't know but I like it and I want to stay with you." And boom, they make up, and it happens again :/)

(I'm not the one who always puts him in these positions, other people take control of the storyline and make it that way.)

(Hmm, that's true, but can you at least make the arguments shorter? I mean you guys have like 160+ posts of "You hate me!" and "No, I love you!")
Electimortar said:
Ziggoratt999 said:
Electimortar said:
(Umm half the pages on this thread is "Shade blah blah blah why do you cheat on me?!" and "I don't know but I like it and I want to stay with you." And boom, they make up, and it happens again :/)

(I'm not the one who always puts him in these positions, other people take control of the storyline and make it that way.)

(Hmm, that's true, but can you at least make the arguments shorter? I mean you guys have like 160+ posts of "You hate me!" and "No, I love you!")
(I get it)
*Shade sighs and teleports back to MysticWater.*
"... Moonlight's gone."
MysticWater- "Maybe it was for the best..."
*Shade sighs and teleports them to the group.*
~Just when shade gets there, Lucrecian stands up~

Lucrecian:"You know what, I can't take it anymore, it's clear that this team has problems. I'm going to take a walk and I will come back......whenever,"

~Lucrecian walks down the beach~

Shatter:"Wait...." *Sigh*

~Bella gets up and fallows Lucrecian~

Bella:"Wait master"
*Shade looks down and doesn't say anything.*
(It's not my fault everyone automatically assumes that Shade's the main character...)
(Lol there are no main characters in RPs so I don't assume)

~He continues walking with Bella behind him~

Lucrecian:"I'm not part of the team!!!"
Bella:"I follow my master"

~Lucrecian looks back~

Lucrecian:"Shatter when you are done you know where to find me...."

Shatter:"....ok, I made him stay, I'll find him later. So what happened Shade?"
~Shatter just looks at Shade~

Shatter:"Me and Lucrecian should probably take her with us"
*He's still looking down. His ears droop. He's obviously heartbroken.*
"The star is safe. Go on with you lives..."
~Shatter leaves on without a care in the world, catching up to Bella and Lucrecian~

Shatter:"We are taking moonlight with us"

Lucrecian:"Fine then"

~He uses Telepathy on Moonlight~

Lucrecian *T* to Moonlight: "Want to come with us?"
Moonliht *T* to Shatter "Can you please stay with Shade? I cancome back as soon as he loves MisticWater...but right now hes depresed...can you Please help him out?"
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