Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Jordan - "Let me think, first you find some unkown person. Then you treat him like you've known him forever!"
~Looks at him with anger then gets up~

Shatter:"See you don't even know, you can't just assume that I don' know him!!! He is one of my best friends so I think I know whether he would be evil or not!!"

~She goes and sits down~
(Umm half the pages on this thread is "Shade blah blah blah why do you cheat on me?!" and "I dont know but i like it and I want to stay with you." And boom, they make up, and it happens again :/)
~Shatter turns angrily~

Shatter:"We are waiting for Shade to fix a problem and then come back"

Bella:"Would any of you like a Beverage?" XD
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