Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Moonlight: "...i know how i survived when Shade killed me...After Tera died i somhow got her power...maybe i could give you my power so you would still be Vangaurd but you could live also..."
Shade- "I don't hate you... I hate myself..."
MW- "Shade..."
Shade- "If I hadn't gotten into either of your lives, this never would've happened..."
*Something clicks in his mind. Realization spreads across his face.*
"I can go back in time and stop the fire... If I do that, It'll prevent me from ever interfering with your lives... I can stop it all from happening..."
MW- "No, Shade!"
Shade- "But... I can save-"
MW- "Neither of us want that, Shade. Don't do this..."
Shade *T*- "What do you want me to do, Moonlight? What do you REALLY want me to do?"
MW- "Don't do this Shade..."
Shade- "I'm sorry, MysticWater. But I need to stop all of this..."
*Shade vanishes. He appears in a beautiful forest where two shiny eevees are playing.*
Shade- "... Me and Solaria..."
(Can you be the people from the past?)
(Wait..what point of veiw are we doing this at? Are we going to go back in time and actualy be our old charictors or are we going to be us and see our old selfs?)
(Ok, ill also be doing Alices and Moonlights stories)
*Solaria tackles Shade playfuly to the ground and pins him down. She smiles*
Solaira: "Im WAY stronger then you!" (Lol thats how kids sound like :p )
*Alice walks by the two of them and chuckles at Shade seeing him pinned down on the ground.*
(Moonlight's not alive yet...)
*Shade hides and watches. Tears fill his eyes.*
Little Shade- "Not fair! You're older!"
Solaria laughs: "Thats why ill Always be stronger then you! You always be my lil bud!"
*She lets him get up and she nuzles him*
(And Alice is alive back then. Remember she was Shade and Solarias friend? And you right, i guess Moonlight not alive yet lol)
*Shade smiles.*
*Whispers* "I remember this day..."
*LShade jumps on Alice and pins her down.*
LShade- "I'm still stronger than you!"
LShade- "So what? I'm still stronger..."
(Have her fire a swift or some sort of ranged attack at him. That's what makes the Arcanines start the fire...)
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