*LShade dodges. The swift keeps going, straight towards an arcanine.*
Shade- "This is it..."
*Freezes time and stops the swift. Unfreezes time and watches what happens.*
LShade- "Hey, no fair! I didn't use an attack!"
*Shade sighs in relief.*
Shade- "I stopped it...."
*Alice laughs*
Alice: "Does it matter?!"
*She tackles him to the ground and Solaria joins her. Shades Mom steps out of the house. She smiles*
Shades Mom: "That hardly seems fair! 2 against 1!"
*She smiles again*
Shades Mom: "Just be carful"
*She walks back inside*
*Shade watches her go. He sighs.*
(Shade likes Alice, and Solaria knows it, just so you know. In case you want her to mock him. But Alice doesn't know)
(Lol i was just about to do that!)
*Once Alice dissapears Solaria starts grinning at Shade*
Solaria: "Ooh-la-la! When are you going to tell her that you like her!"
*Solaria starts laughing*
*The Future Shade smiles.*
FShade- "I've seen enough..."
*Goes back to the future. What he sees is not at all what he expected... The skies are black, the earth is ravaged. He walks through his home town.*
Shade- "Wha... What happened?"