Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Ok." Sunset smiled and curled around him.'Why do I have these feelings. Yeah I grew up with him, but'
*Bane slips into Shade's room unnoticed.*
*Bane wakes up Shade.*
Bane-"Psst. Bane. Get up. There's something you need to know. It's about your parents."
Alice: "I slept fine. Thanks for asking. How did you sleep?"
*Moonlight walks back into the house carrying all kinds of berries. She puts them into a bowl and gives it to Alice and Solaria*
Moonlight: "I got so berries to go along with breakfast"
*She looks around*
Moonlight: "Is Shade up yet?"
*Moonlight starts eating the breakfast*
Moonlight: "You guys can cook really good!"
*She starts eating again, looking at Shades door every once an a while, waiting for him to get up*
Alice: "Huh?...Oh ya..I feel fine.."
*Alice looks over at Shade and SpottedTalons room*
Alice: "Are they ok? Its been almost a hour and they still are not up"
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