Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"What? Who's there!?" Maylene sees the Umbreon."Some trainer might be tring to get these Eevees! Lucario, hold him back!" Lucario rushed up and put an arua feild arounf Shade that COULDN'T be broken. Maylena taps taps and pokeball and Sunset's and MysticWater's head. The ball rattled for a while thatn stopped."Wow, that took a while and they're just babys.." Maylene puched some number into the phone.
*Shade starts crying.*
Shade *T*- "No! I'm NOT losing my daughters again!"
*Talks directly to Maylene.*
Shade *T*- "Human... Please... Those are my daughters... They mean the world to me... Please let them go..."
(You know, Maylene isn't THAT heartless....)
"Ok, fine.." Maylene dropped the PokeBalls. Then the trainer rushed up."Your giving up!? Not on my watch. Go Blaziken!" He threw out a PokeBall and Blaziken apeared."Blaze Kick!" Blaziken kicked Moonlight and grabbed the PokeBalls. A Abra apeared next to the boy."TELEPORT!" and they were gone."I'm so sorry!" criend Maylene.
Shade *T*- "I'm gonna kill that kid..."
*Teleports after him. Takes the Blaziken and Abra down with a giant Shadow Blast and begins unmaking the trainer.*
(Yes, unmaking someone hurts the person)
The trainer starts to scream in pain.He held up a master ball."I've been saving this, but..." He threw it at Shade and the trainer stoped feeling pain.
*Moonlight appears and tackles the trainer down to the floor. She snarls and takes the pokeballs that hold Shade, SS,and MW*
Shade *T*- "Great. I get caught by a heartless trainer. That, strangely, isn't surprised by the fact that I talk."
*Shade forms a Shadow Blade and starts cutting at the insides of the Master Ball.*
Shade *T*- "There's GOT... To be... Someway... Out of here!!!"
"I've herd a takiing Pokemon before!" Then Moonlight takles him and her drops Sunset's ball into a lake.
*Explodes out of the Master Ball.*
*Goes Full Shadow and dives in, quickly grabbing her ball.*
Then a school of fish pokemon swim past him, knocking the ball out of his paws. The ball fell down a underwater portal and the portal closed.
Shade *T*- "NOO!!!!"
*He begins gathering all his power.*
*The ball appears in his hand again. He sighs in relief.*
"Oh well! This one is about the same. Abra, UNKNOWN TELEPORT!!!' The trainer disapeared with MysticWater.
*Roars loudly.*
"I'm not losing her again!"
*Gives Sunset to Moonlight and closes his eyes. Locates the trainer and appears next to him.*
"If you won't give her to me... Take me too..."
*Throws the kid his Master Ball.*
"I'll stop fighting you..."
"Ok.." He threw the Master Ball at Shade again. He took out his Cell phone. He dialed a few numbers and it started to ring."Hello, is this the SnowPoint City gym? I would like to speak with Candice?"
"Yes please wait." A few seconds past and Candice's voice could be herd.
"Hey Candice, I found this very strong Eevee and I wanted to know if you wanted it. It can evolve into a Ice type!"
"Well get over here quick!" The trainer hung up the phone and nodded towards Abra.
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