Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Doctors rush out and grab Shannon. They put her on a rolling bed and in a ambulance. Sam rushed up.
"Hey, I was just passing by and I saw this. What's wrong with her and is there anything I can do?"
"Ok..Who are you? Nevermind.." Sam jumped into the ambulance and it started to drive away.
The ambulance makes it to the ER quickly. Docters rush around her. They put a mask on her and stuck needles into her.
A docter picked up Shade and took him out of the room.
"No Pokemon." A nurse came up to him.
"Sir, you really need to look at this."
The docter looks at Shade.
"Wow..umm..only if you wear this mask and stand out of the way."
He turns to the nurse and walks away.
"Sir, her temp. is double than anyone and her heatbeat is also double."
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