Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon stops screaming and wimpers.
"Nurse, give her some pain killers and put her to sleep for now."
The nurse rushed over to her and Shannon closed her eyes and started to dream.
Shannon was at the same lake as her last dream, but it was storming.
"Get out!" she screamed, not looking at Shade.
"GET OUT!" she screamed even louder, not even looking at Shade. She was breathing quick with rage.
Shannon doesn't answer and doesn't look at Shade. Her eyes filled with rage again and thunder boomed.
Shannon calms down a bit and starts to cry.
"I thought dreams only had me, not anymore people.Please get"
As soon as he left, rage jumped back into her eyes. She turned back to the forest.
"Now you get out."
???:"I can't."
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