Finished Eeveelution RPG

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They don't listen.
"Nurse, watch that and make sure her mind is working fine."
"GET!OUT!NOW!!!" Shannon screamed in her dream.
???:"I told you, I can't."
The nurse gasped.
"I said TURN IT OFF."
*Waves his hand, and the screen shuts off. He's still watching her dream by reading her mind.*
"You know if I told Shade I would go into your body, her would of just killed me..."
Shannon sighed in anger. "How can I live with two people in my body? Those doctors will never let me go with my pluse this high."
"I'm going to kill him..."
*Reaches inside her and takes out Arceus.*
"What the heck do you think you're doing in her?!"
Arceus is stuck in Shannon.
A:"Well first we have to get out of here, so I have to stop you pluse for a second."
S:"Will I be ok?"
A:"Yeah, yeah."
Arceus started to glow and Shannon fell asleep in her dream. The doctors sigh and pull off Shannon's mask.
Shannon's eyes slowly open.
"Are you ok, honey?" asked the nurse.
Shannon just smiled and tried to stand.
*Reads their mind.*
"That does it... I'm stronger than you, Arceus, so I can change this."
*Using all of his power, Shade takes Arceus out of Shannon in a way that doesn't hurt Shannon.*
"But I'm strong too, so I can swich it." Shannon starts to fell deep pain.
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