Finished Eeveelution RPG

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She sat at the shore of a crystal clear lake. The waves gently rolling up to her feet. Her eyes were closed and she listened to the waves.
"I wasn't born human or Pokemon. I was never born...."
A gently mist splash off the waves and on her hair, making it sparkly.
*Walks next to her.*
"You were born a pokemon. I remember... SpottedTalon... MysticWater... Sunset... Shannon... They're all just names. Labels put on you by other people. But you... You're still the same person inside, and always will be... You belong where your heart leads you. I'm finally realizing that... If that means that you belong somewhere away from me, so be it. I don't like it, but I'll accept it... Just know that I love you. That I always have, and always will..."
"Shannon, that was only your human self..."
*Sighs. Makes a glowing ball of light. They solidify into a small crystal.*
"If you ever want your memories back of when you were a pokemon, just break this."
*Hands it to her.*
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