Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"You didn't go all the way back." She looked at the crystal.
"I never want those...All my life has been a lie, I don't need anymore."
"Don't follow me Shade. You may come to this lake, just don't touch the water." She closed her eyes and a tear ran down her face. She teleported.
Shannon's eyes went red. She narrowed them at Shade.
"Unknown Teleport," she mutered. Her aura could not be found.
S:"Shade..If you can hear me...I'm sorry...If you want, vist my lake.
Shannon kept walking to a town.
S:"Just never touch the water."
Shannon walks into a Pokemon center.
"May I get something to eat?" she asked.
*Feels it and looks up.*
"... Shannon... Sunset... MysticWater... SpottedTalon... Why did this have to happen...?"
The breeze blew away.
S:"Arceus, will I ever see him again?"
A:"Most likely not. But you should stay with you own kind. The created kind.."

It starts to rain at her lake.
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