Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Shade goes human.*
"I'll never forget you..."

*Years pass. Shade, now known as Garret, stays human, all but forgetting his old life. He becomes a great trainer, but is never able to be truly happy because of the hole in his heart...*
Shannon learns to be ok with Arceus and becomes friends with him. She is a great trainer. Arceus keeps tring to make someone see can love. Her past is slowly disapearing from her mind.
S:"Hey Arceus, can I do the next gym?"
A:"No, do you know what gym this is?"
S:"No, what?"
S:"What's wrong with Snowpoint?"
A:"Nevermind, you can do the next Gym, ok?"

Shannon's eyes go red as she takes out a coat.
*Is in the SnowPoint ruins.*
"Good job Crobat... *sigh* return..."
*Puts Crobat away.*
Alakazam- "What's wrong?"
Garret: "It's nothing, Alakazam..."
Alakazam- "... You're thinking about her again, aren't you?"
Garret: ".... It's been 3 years, Alakazam... I don't know if I can keep going like this..."
Shannon walks into Snowpoint.
"Come on out, Typhlosion!" Sends out a Typhlosion.
"Let's head to Gym!"
S:"Even though this is out thrid time around the Gyms, you still hyper?"
A:"Yeah, it's fun being a trainer!"

Rushes to the Gym.
"Alakazam, return."
*Puts him away.*
"I think I'll go visit Candice... She can always cheer me up..."
*Walks to the gym. Sees Shannon and gasps.*
"It... It's you!"
"... Yeah. Figures you wouldn't remember me..."
*Goes Umbreon, then Eevee, then human.*
"It's me, Shade."
"A human that can change?! And I don't think I know a Shade..."
Her eyes stop on red and she rushes into the Gym.
"... I knew it was too good to be true..."
*Walks away, tears streaking down his face.*
Alakazam *T*: "Garret, let her-"
Garret: "NO! I'm not going to let her go, Alakazam. I LOVE her!!!"
Shannon hears Garret outside.
"Someone loves me?" She shakes her head and heads up to the Gym Leader, Candice.
Candice was holding an Eevee. The Eevee stared at Shannon.
"Are ya here for your battle?"
"You bet!" Just then, the phone rang. Candice picks it up, talks a bit, and sets it down.
"Hey, I have to meet my sis outside."
"I'll come with ya."
They head outside.
Candice whispers something in Shannon's ear.
"Hey, can you go chear him up while I wait for my sister. Something has got him down..."
Shannon nods and runs over to Garret. Her eyes flicker to normal.
Shannon thinks for a second. She shook her head.
"Do you know who said the loved me? It fells like I have a stalker...."
"Yeah... That was me..."
*Walks away, depressed.*
"Tell Arceus that I still haven't forgotten my promise..."
*Keeps walking.*
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