Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon lifts her head and whips off some snow. She looked up at Garret, eyes sparkling.
"I just need you to know... Before I go..."
*Kisses her.*
"I love you. I always have, and I always will..."
*Forms a Shadow Blade and plunges it into his heart, his immortality now gone. He falls to the ground.*
S:"Arceus, do something!"
S:"What?! You can't just let him die!!"
A:"Yes, I can..."

Shannon starts to glow and she falls to the ground, passed out. Arceus is out of her body...
*The sky darkens as Shade begins to die. He looks at Shannon. In his dying moments, he uses the last of his energy to wake her up.*
"Goodbye... My love..."
*He collapses, dead. At that very moment, a signal went out to every pokemon and human in the world. Without knowing how or why they knew, every living being knew the undeniable truth: Shade, the leader of Team Destiny, was dead. Pokemon all over the world stop what they're doing. They burst out of their pokeball's and PC boxes, confusing trainers everywhere. They all stare towards Snowpoint City... And as one, they begin to cry. Every pokemon, young or old, whether they knew Shade or not, knew that a strong, brave person had just died. As one, they mourn for his passing. Thousands of Pokemon begin to walk towards Shade's resting place. They form a ring around Shannon and Shade, each one crying. Shannon and Garret's pokemon burst out of their pokeballs and join the mourners.*
*Alakazam stops Moonlight with Psychic.*
"He will have his punishment... You took Shannon from Shade."
"Shade was born, Shannon, Sunset, whatever you want to call her was created. It was the right thing to do..."
"You think it was the right thing to do?!? You know what, she is the same as us! Does it matter if she was created?!"
*Alakazam shakes his head.*
"Your reasons are foolish. Now the entire world will know what you've done..."

*Speaks normally to the pokemon gathered, and telepathically to the rest of the people in the world.*

"Today, we honor the long life and untimely death of Shade. Shade was truly one of the kindest, most courageous people on the planet. The strong leader of Team Destiny, he saved the world on countless occasions. While it seemed that Shade was flawless and invincible, he was not perfect, for everyone has their weaknesses, their flaws. Shade's was something that can't be thought of as bad, yet still led to his untimely death. It was love. There are some, such as Arceus, that do not wish me to tell you this, but I believe that you deserve the truth. When Arceus took his true love away from him, Shade decided that life was no longer worth the pain. So he gave up his immortality... And his own life... However... While we all will miss Shade... This is not what he would've wanted. He would've wanted us to move on, but live each day remembering and living out the things he believed in. Honor. Courage. Honesty. Respect. And most of all... Love... Remember these traits and Shade will love on in our hearts forever..."

*Glares at Arceus.*
"Now the whole world knows what you did... Are you going to kill me? Or will you spare this humble old Alakazam...?"
"I do not wish to spill blood at this moment..." He turned to Moonlight..
"I made her, so I deside what she does...!"
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