Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Arceus looks at them.
"What are you fools doing here?"

Giratina: "The council has decided. You no longer deserve your powers..."
Dialga: "We're here to take them from you."
Palkia: "This is the punishment for what you've done to Shade..."
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Arceus growled.
"I run the concil and desides what it does!"

Giratina: "We've decided that there shall be a new Alpha."
*Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit surround Arceus. They put up a powerful field, and Arceus can't move at all.*
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
"Argh..What fool would dare take my place?!"

*A blue Mew appears.*
Dialga: "Sapphire. Your second in command."
*Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina begin draining Arceus's powers.*
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
"Ahh!!!" Arceus falls to the ground.

*They finish. Arceus's fur is now grey and ragged. His eyes are dull. He's still alive, but he's powerless. Saphire glows. She becomes the Alpha.*
Arceus growls, but doesn't do anything. Shannon spat at Arceus.
"I thought we became friends, but all you wanted to do was control me. It's true that I'm created, but..." She turns back to Garret.
*Sapphire lands next to Garret. She tries to bring him back, but sighs.*
"He doesn't want to come back... He doesn't think it's worth it to live in a world where you don't love him... I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do..."
Shannon sighed and kissed Garret."I'm sorry I don't remember you...I hope I can see you soon..."
*His body starts glowing. The wound from the Shadow Blade closes. He slowly opens his eyes.*
"Uuugh... Shannon...?"
Shannon smiled and closed her eyes. She sat her head down on the snow.
"Taking someone out of you...takes a lot of strengh.." She sighed and fell asleep...
*Garret smiles and picks her up. Stands up. The pokemon that have gathered start to cheer. The sky brightens again.*
Garret: "Thank you for gathering here. I'm sorry for what I did... Please find it in your hearts to forgive me."
*The pokemon smile and leave. Garret puts all his pokemon (Except Moonlight) in their pokeballs again. He takes Shannon to Snowpoint Pokemon Center, put her in a bed, and lies down next to her.*
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