Finished Eeveelution RPG

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She yawns.
"Dunno...I don't really keep track of how long I sleep with someone." She smiles.
"Sinnoh and Kanto...But I really want to go to Johto..." Just then, Candice walks in with the Eevee.
"Uhh...I can see now isn't the right time..."
*Garret smiles and stands up.*
"It's fine, Candice. What do you need?"
*Pets the Eevee.*
(MysticWater, right?)
Candice whispers into his ear
"MysticWater won't leave me alone. She really want to stay with you and Shannon.."
*Smiles and picks up MysticWater.*
"Hi sweetie..."
*Nods to Candice.*
"I'll keep her with us. Thanks, Candice..."
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