Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Hold on a second." Shannon walks out of the room to get a glass of water.
(DON'T follow her)
A shadowy figure walks up behind Shannon.
"Who are you?" she asked in fear. He grabed her by the mouth and teleported.
*Waits for a few minutes, then gets worried.*
"She was just getting a glass of water..."
*Walks into the room. Sees she's gone and growls. Tries to track her.*
Garret can't find her aura anywhere.
The person threw Shannon to the ground.
???:"This is what you get..."
"No... Why does this ALWAYS happen to me?!"
*Searches the world for her lifestream.*
"Come on..."
(It always works but it takes awhile, so do your thing)
Shannon stood up, shaky.
"What do you mean?!"
???:"You know what I mean!" He threw her to the ground again. She slid on the ground and hit her head on the corner.
Blood came out of her head.
The person walks over to Shannon and grabbed her by the leg.
"And now your going to pay." He crushes her leg, breaking it. Blood started to poor out and he started to pass out.
"Why yes." He walks over to Shannon, who's passed out, and stroked her hair.
"After you made that gym leader send me to Cyrus for her*Points to Shannon*, I had to be a slave for years. I learned how to transform into a human and started ploting. Wishing the day I would see hee blood."
He smiles.
"And the best part is she'll be loving me ever secound I do it!!"
*Growls. Is trying to hold back his immense rage.*
"I am going to hurt you... In ways you can't even imagine..."
*Goes Full Shadow Form. There is absolutely no holding back now. He grabs Bolt by the throat and leaps through the ceiling. Starts flying straight up. When he reaches space, he puts an air bubble around them. Keeps going at 100x the speed of light until he reaches Mars.*
"Scared yet, pup?"
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