Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Bolt smiles.
"Not even close. Cyrus copied Shannon's powers and gave them to me!"
Her pressed a button on his brace.
*Growls. Flies down towards earth at 999x the speed of light and crashes Bolt into solid concrete, making a giant crater. Bolt is on the floor, every bone in his body broken. Shade forms a SHadow Blade and holds it to Bolt's throat.*
"Any last words?"
He gives a weak smile.
Bolt talks so Garret can't understand him
"Goshujin suki imei saikoro o ato gouben of chishio."
(Ya, I'm learning so Japanese)
"... Whatever..."
*Swings his blade at Bolt's throat.*
(Hm... out of curiosity, why hasn't anyone ever asked what a Shadow Blade looks like...?)
(No, I don't... And here's a Shadow Blade, Light Blade, and Twilight Blade. The twilight blade's the one in the middle, the Shadow blade's the black one, and the Light blades the only one left... )
*Shade teleports to Shannon and heals her.*
"Shannon... Wake up..."
"Yeah... I'm here..."
*Gently kisses her forehead, picks her up, and teleports to ER.*
"I need a doctor!"
*Moonlight looks around in her pokeball*
Moonlight: " not a pet"
*She starts to cry*
Moonlight: "And i cant take this anymore..."
*Moonlight dissapears*
"She's hurt, and I can't heal her. Take her... I'll be back in a minute."
*Hands her to the nurse and teleports after Moonlight.*

(*sigh* gtg for an hour...)
*She starts to cry and dissapears again making it imposible to see were she went. She sits down next to a lake and falls asleep.*

*A eevee walks up to Moonlight. The eevee is the old Moonlight. Moonlight starts crying*
OMoonlight: "What happend?"
Moonlight: "....he does not care about me anymore.."
OMoonlight: "Who? Shade?"
Moonlight: "Yes and his name is now Gerrat..."
*She starts crying again*
OMoonlight: "It cant be that bad"
Moonlight: "I dont think he remembers how much i love does not seem like it..
OMoonlight: "How?"
Moonlight: "I think he thinks im his pet now...
*OMoonlight growls*
OMoonlight: "I asked how"
Moonlight: "Hes with Shannon now..."
OMoonlight: "Shannon?"
Moonlight: "Sunset...."
OMoonlight: "...oh"
*Moonlight starts to cry again*
OMoonlight: "...Well is he happy?"
Moonlight: "....yes"
OMoonlight: "Well as long as hes happy..."
Moonlight: "Are you saying to leave him?!"
OMoonlight: "...yes, if he is happy with Sunset. If you stay it will just break your heart..."
Moonlight: " already has..."
*She starts crying again. OMoonlight dissapears and Moonlight wakes up. She continues to cry*
The doctors do all the things they did before. They also put her leg in a cast. The main doctor checks her.
"I don't think she make it. She has lost too mush blood."
"There is one way to save her though."
"Yes, someone make sure she stays asleep. We'll start right away."
In Shannon's dream...
Shannon was looking at herself in the water.
Where am I? Where's Arceus? I don't remember anything from these past few days
*Moonlight sighs and lays down again.*
*Moonlight wakes up and looks around confused. She is a Eevee again*
???: "I just thought this would make you happy..i know how much you liked being an eevee.."
*Moonlight looks around confused. OMoonlight appears*
OMoonlight: "Are you happy now?"
Moonlight: "....I will NEVER be happy..."
*OMoonlight shakes her head*
OMoonlight: "Just forget about him..."
Moonlight: "NO! I CAN NEVER FORGET!"
*OMoonlight grunts and fades away*
*Moonlight runs over to the lake and looks at it. She sees her reflection as and eevee and starts to cry again*
*A scizor jumps out of a bush and slashes her. A trianer steps out of the bushes yelling comands to the scizor. The scizor slashes Moonlight twice across the face. Moonlight yelps in pain and trys to slash at the scizor with her Twilight blade. The scizor quickly dodges and slashes her across the side*
Trainer: "Dumb eevee! You could never beat my scizor! Anyways your to weak, Scizor kill it!"
*The scizor nods and slashes her across the face. Moonlight growls and sends out a Twilight Blast. The scizor is sents flying into a tree, knocked out.*
Trainer: "I guess you could be useful after all! Starapter go! Brave Bird!"
*The Starapter uses Brave Bird but Moonlight dodges. The trainer smiles and a Tyranitar steps out of the bushes and uses Hyper Beam at Moonlight before she could notice*
Trainer: "All part of my plan.."
*Moonlight is sent flying into a tree, bleeding badly with cuts all over her. Her ear is torn and she groans in pain*
Trainer: "HAH! Get that Eevee tyranitar!"
*The Tyranitar jumps at Moonlight and pins her to a tree. The tyranitar grins and uses Hyper Beam at Moonlight. Moonlight screams in pain and is knocked out. The Trainer takes out a Pokeball and sends it at Moonlight. All of the sudden there is a flash of light and all the trainers pokemon and the trainer are sent flying and knocked out. OMoonlight appears and frowns at Moonlight*
OMoonlight: "Get your head back into the game! I cant beleave you lost to a trainer!"
*Moonlight does not hear beacause she is knocked out*
OMoonlight: "This is for the best"
*There is another flash of light and OMoonlight dissapears*
*Moonlight wakes up and looks around confused. She still has all the wounds from the battle. She starts to cry. Another trainer walks by and sees Moonlight. She gasps and runs over to Moonlight*
Girl Trainer: "Oh my gosh, Are you ok?!?"
*She picks up Moonlight and looks at her torn ear and cuts all over her*
Girl Trainer: "I cant beleive anybody whould do this to a baby!"
*She starts to walk away still carring Moonlight. There is a flash of light and OMoonlight appears only for Moonlight to see*
OMoonlight: "I have turned you into a that i think about it you probably dont understand me..Oh well. I have turned you into a baby because i know how much your heart was hurt...i also saw you were thinking of killing now have no memory. This is for the best for you and Shade"
*OMoonlight disapears and Moonlight feels more pain from the wounds.
*Garret sits down in a meadow.*
"... Moonlight... Shannon... GAH! Why is this so difficult?! Why do I have to love both of them?!"
*Starts crying. Accidentally turns into an Umbreon.*
"... What...?"
*Sapphire appears.*
Sapphire: "It's your choice now. Umbreon or human. Go to her... She's in trouble..."
*Shade nods. He finds her lifepattern and teleports to her. Sees the trainer and growls.*
The doctor puts down his tools.
"She should stay asleep for about an hour."
Shannon smiled in het sleep.
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