Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Shade senses Shannon and sighs. Splits himself into Garret and Shade. Garret teleports to Shannon, Shade tackles the trainer.*
She smiles at the name.
"Garret...Sorry, I can't remember anything from the last few hours besides the name Garret..."
*Nods. Explains everything to Shannon, about how they're together, how someone hurt her (but doesn't say who), and that he took her to the hospital.*
Shannon smiles. The nurse walks next to her.
"Do you want some pain killers?
"Doesn't it put me to sleep?"
"Than no, I want to stay with Garret."
She winched in pain.
*Garret gently puts his hand on her bad leg. He pours some energy into her and the pain fades away.*
"How's that feel?"
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