Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Slowly wakes up. Strokes Shannon's hair. Is amazed as the sun shines on the drops of water in her hair, making her hair sparkle beautifully.*
*Shade looks at her, concerned. Leans against her to share body warmth.*
"I wish I could help make you warmer..."
(Can I have a recap? I know I've been gone for a while but I want to get back in. So if you guys just don't skip over me it'd be greatly apprechiated.)
Actually instead of just reviewing I'll make a new character. All I want to know is who's Shannon? And Garret, and anyone else who is new?

Name: Dustin
Age: (The pokemon age like humans) 19
Eeveelution: Umbreon
Description: Has always felt down and lonely in life. All Dustin ever wanted was someone to love, to care for, or even a friend. But everyone treated him like dirt. Now he doesn't know what to believe and has almost given up on life...
Appearance: Has a star on his head that glows according to his emotions.
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