Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Garret starts shuddering, a shocked expression on his face. He closes his eyes. A new marking appears on his forehead:
It glows bright red.*
"This has gone on long enough..."
Shadow Umbreon said:
If I could join, here. :D

Name: Shadow Umbreon
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Umbreon (if possible)
Description: He was born with a ninja family, so he had red bands. He's always been ninja. He also feels like he's Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto, since he a little bit evil.. but also like Naruto, a show off. He got his red bands somewhere, but he forgot.

Also, this RP sounds fun and cool. :p

(Well do you thik you could make it a different color cuz Alice is already a Umbreon with red..)
*Garret's lake turns black. He teleports to the real world, and all the plants around him start dying.*
The Jolteon looks at the Gengar and the Gengar nodded. Gengar's eyes flashed red. Shannon's eyes went normal and she fell to the ground.
*A chilled wind blows through the forest where Bolt and Gengar are. It feels as if a great evil is approaching.*
Bolt perks his ears up.
"He's going to fall right into our trap." Gengar grabbed Shannon and teleported. Bolt followed.
*The chilled wind follows Gengar and Bolt, no matter where they go. A dark figure floats to them. The trees around him are dying.*
An army of all types of Pokemon await him. Gengar takes Shannon into a cave. Bolt and a few gaurds followed.
*Dustin keeps up watching them.*
"I feel bad for that poor girl, I mean. It looks as if death and evil are fighting over her. Well now justice will join the fight."
*Dustin ran forward and grabbed Shannon.*
"Get away from her you horrid people!"
The army attck Garret like wild animals. Bolt forms a blade that is bold red. Shannon slowly wakes up, but doesn't open her eyes.
Dustin-"Don't even try it jolteon!"
*Dustin leaps over Shannon and snatches the sword out of Bolt's hands.*
Dustin-"Girl, whoever you are, run!"
*Dustin leaps at Bolt starting to slash at him.*
*Dustin leaps forward blocking an attack for Shannon then stabbing Bolt in the heart.*
Dustin-"Didn't you hear, run girl."
Gengar grabs the sword out of Dustin's hands and give in to Bolt. Bolt's wound heals. Bolt starts slashing Shannon, who lay on the ground.
(Ignore my old post that was a response to TSL's old post)
*Dustin grabs Shannon and starts running away with her on his back using extremespeed trying to avoid the army and the black ominous figure as well.*
*Garret waves his hand. Bolt's figure starts to waver. His ghost tears itself apart in agonizing pain. Bolt now ceases to exist. No afterlife, no ghost. Garret turns to the Gengar.*
*In a voice of pure evil* "You're next..."
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