Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shade: "I've been fighting right next to you the entire time."

*Garret starts weeping uncontrollably.*
"No... Please..."
*Dustin starts weeping as well.*
"No, no one deserves to die so young..."
*Dustin throws her into the Lake of healing.*
"If this doesn't work whoever you are, then she's a goner..."
*Stands up. Tosses Dustin a phone.*
"Contact me if it works. I've got a score to settle..."
*He flies back to the cave. Raises Arceus' soul.*
"How do I bring her back?"

ShayminSky! said:
*Moonlight smiles*
Moonlight: "..Thanks for helping me there"

*Kisses her.*
*The army begins to run away as Garret nears them.*
"Ummm. Ok?"
*Dustin's star starts to glow and he shoots a healing beam intensifying the lake's powers.*
Shannon's pluse starts again and she started humming again. The her pluse started to slow and she stopped humming.
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Arceus smiled."I'm not the Alpha anymore."

"But you know how she died, and you know how to bring her back. So here's the deal..."
*Sends pain worse than anyone has ever experienced, EVER, into Arceus for about five seconds.*
"If you don't want that to happen again, you'll tell me how to bring her back."
*Garret grins demonically.*
"Wrong answer..."
*Even worse pain goes into Arceus. It's so bad, Arceus would do anything to make it stop. Garret doesn't cut it off.*
"... You're not worth my time..."
*Arceus's soul is banished. It's worse than death or nonexistance, it's endless pain just as bad as Garret was delivering him. Garret returns to normal and flies back to Shannon.*
"... I'm so sorry, my love..."
"Yeah... Arceus, Bolt, and a Gengar killed her... And I can't bring her back..."
*Tears slide down his cheeks.*
"Ohh..." MysticWater started to glow. She teleported to Shannon's lake and put a paw in, making in glow with life.
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