Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight jumps at the army and starts slashing them with her Twilight blade. A Raichu uses Thunder on Moonlight and she falls to the ground paralysed. A Tyranitar uses Hyper Beam on Moonlight. She flys into a tree. She gets up quickly and attacks again*
ShayminSky! said:
Shadow Umbreon said:
If I could join, here. :D

Name: Shadow Umbreon
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Umbreon (if possible)
Description: He was born with a ninja family, so he had red bands. He's always been ninja. He also feels like he's Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto, since he a little bit evil.. but also like Naruto, a show off. He got his red bands somewhere, but he forgot.

Also, this RP sounds fun and cool. :p

(Well do you thik you could make it a different color cuz Alice is already a Umbreon with red..)

Oh.. um.. nevermind, then. :(
With the last of his strengh, Gengar stabbed Shannon in the chest. Her eyes opened, dull in pain.
Shadow Umbreon said:
ShayminSky! said:
Shadow Umbreon said:
If I could join, here. :D

Name: Shadow Umbreon
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Umbreon (if possible)
Description: He was born with a ninja family, so he had red bands. He's always been ninja. He also feels like he's Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto, since he a little bit evil.. but also like Naruto, a show off. He got his red bands somewhere, but he forgot.

Also, this RP sounds fun and cool. :p

(Well do you thik you could make it a different color cuz Alice is already a Umbreon with red..)

Oh.. um.. nevermind, then. :(

(Lol you can still play in the RPG)
"Attempts to kick Gengar but sees there is something wrong."
"What in the world..."
*Dustin spots Garret coming.*
"What is that thing?"
*Dustin starts to use extremespeed trying to get away from Garret.*
"It's okay my love, I wont let anyone hurt you."
*Garret doesn't seem to care. He waves his hand again, and the same thing that happened to Bolt happens to Arceus and Gengar.*
"No! Hang on my love!"
*Dustin comes to a stop at a sparkling lake (no not a love thing) and gets a cup of water and makes Shannon drink it.*
"Don't die! Don't die!"
*Garret's symbol spins around. It changes to this:
He runs to Shannon and puts his hand on her wound. It seals, and she feels life seep into her.*
*More pokemon attack Moonlight. A Arcanine snaps at her sword arm and pulls her to the ground. A Flygon walks up to Moonlight and chargers to use Solor Beam.*
Moonlight: "LEAF STORM!"
*Nothing happens because she is an Eevee*
Moonlight: "Not good"
*thinks* "What is he doing. A second ago he was killing everyone but now it looks like he's trying to save her."
"Let me help,"
*Dustin's star starts to glow and starts putting his energy into Shannon as well.*
Still none of it works.
So this is what death is like., she thought...
Then she closed her eyes, humming the music Garret played at her lake. All the life had left her and she lay dead.
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