Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon apeared in Moonlight's dream.
"What?" She shook her head and hid in the bushes, watching Moonlight.
*The figure does nothing.*
Shade: "Who are you...?"
???: "My name is not important... If you wish to find what you have lost, come to Castle Oblivion... That which is most precious to you shall be restored there..."
*Turns around and walks down a path that wasn't there before. Vanishes.*
*Garret follows her.*
"Hey Shade, Moonlight. What's up?"
Shade: "Hey Garret... Any reason you're an Eevee?"
Garret: "Long story..."
Shade: "Ok..."
*Shade looks at Moonlight.*
"I say we go."
Garret: "Where...?"
Shade: "Castle Oblivion. Someone said they had something of ours, so we're going to get it..."
*Shade starts down the path. Garret shrugs and follows him.*
Garret: "... Why the hurry?"
*Shade follows Moonlight.*
Shade: "What do you mean?"
Garret: "Well, we don't know anything about this place... Are you sure we should go through with this?"
Moonlight: "Well, you guys can leave if you want...i dont think they are evil...i mean look at the place! Its to light to be evil!"
*The door slams behind them. Garret tries to open it.*
Garret: -_- "... It's locked..."
*Turns around.*
Garret: "And now we can't leave..."
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