Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon smiles.
"I can do so many more things now like..."
She forms her Dark-Starlight blade.
"You have been."
*Makes a Shadow Blade, throws it into the air, leaps up and catches it. as he falls back to the ground, he flourishes it masterfully. He sticks it into the ground before he lands and lands right next to it.*
"Just as I've used this all my life..."
(There are people on certain floors.)
*They reach another hallway. There's another cloaked figure.*
Shade: "You people really need to change your wardrobes..."
*She laughs.*
???: "Good one. I definately agree..."
???: "Heck if I know. I just teleport through here. Unfortunately, you can't do that... Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Larxene..."
*Pulls back her hood to reveal a beautiful Jolteon.*
Shade: "Ok. And what do you have of ours that's so important?"
Larxene: "You mean you don't remember her yet? Tsk tsk... She'll be so heartbroken to hear that her little hero has forgotten all about her..."
*Shade growls.*
Shade: "WHO?!"
*Larxene just smiles.*
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