Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight nods*
Moonlight: "...This place is to...pretty to be evil.."
*She starts walking up the stairs*
Moonlight: "How high is this place?!"
Shadow looks around, following them. "Moonlight is right.. it's too nice to be evil.." He keeps following. "Maybe it's like 20 floors or something.."
*The cloaked figure holds up his hand. Shade and Garret fuse together.*
Shade: "Wha...? What just happened?"
???: "My apologies, but to proceed you two must be one... Welcome to Castle Oblivion..."
???: "I merely invited you here. You are the ones that chose to come here. As you progress through the castle, you will find that some of your... Less important memories will begin to fade, but you will gain the ones sealed away in your heart... Proceed with caution..."
*Shade just stares at Shadow.*
"This isn't a game, Shadow. There are risks in real life. And you just now became a part of our team, so don't talk like you're the leader. That's my job."
"Well... He said he had something precious to us ahead... Who thinks we should go?"
*Moonlight sighs*
Moonlight: "I guess we should go on.."
(I gtg for 30 min! Please dont do anything big without me!)
Shadow Umbreon said:
"I think we should go.." Shadow lies down for a minute. "I wonder if I'll be a great team member.."

*Telepathically to Shadow* "It's definately possible..."
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