Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight reaches were they are and sees Shade putting his Shadow Blade to Larxene's neck. He must really like Namine...
*Shade growls.*
"TELL ME!!!"
Larxene: "No. What're you going to do if I don't? Kill m-"
*He slashes her throat. She falls to the ground, gasping. She falls on her side.*
Larxene: "They said you didn't kill... That you were merciful..."
*She dies. Shade stands above her body, growling fiercely.*
(He never kills without mercy like that, so it's really unusual)
*Moonlight follows, falling behind because it is hard to keep up to Shade's pace*
Moonlight: "Can you slow down a little?"
*Moonlight cringes but then gets angry*
"So-ory! Just go up withought us! Not like you would care!" Snaped Moonlight
*She starts walking up again growling*
*Shade finally reaches the last floor. He sees a sad looking Eevee, sitting all alone. He runs to her.*
Shade: "Namine?"
*She smiles at him.*
Namine: "Shade! You came for me!"
*He hugs her.*
Shade: "Of course... I could never leave you... I made you a promise..."
More and more meories flood back to her, even before she became Sunset(before she bacame a baby).
*Namine hugs Shade, tears streaking down her face.*
Namine: "I'm so sorry... All of this... Was my fault..."
*Shade wipes away her tears.*
Shade: "Don't be... It was worth it all just to see you again..."
Namine: "But you went through so much because of me..."
Shade: "It was worth it, my love..."
*Kisses her.*
*Moonlight reaches the top right when they are kissing. She cringes and runs back down the stairs before Shade could notice she was there. She comes back to the first floor and starts crying*
*Namine stops kissing him.*
Namine: "No Shade... I wish it was me, but it's not... The girl you love... It's not me, it's her..."
Shade: "What are you talking about?"
Namine: "... I changed your memories, Shade... I made you think you were in love with me instead of Moonlight... I'm sorry..."
Shade: "... You... You changed my memories...?"
*She starts crying again.*
Namine: "I didn't want to... but they said they'd hurt me if I didn't..."
Shade: "Then leave with us..."
*Namine looks at him, startled.*
Namine: "Even after what I've done...?"
Shade: "You had no choice. I understand that... Just wait here. I need to talk to Moonlight..."
*Runs down the stairs, looking for Moonlight. Finds her on the first floor.*
"Moonlight? What are you doing down here?"
*Sits next to her.*
Sunset just watch Shade pass her. She looks at Namine and remembers Moonlight.
Sigh...He can't be loving all these people at once... She teleported.
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