Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shade: "What could go wrong?"
*Lands on the top floor. walks in through a door and sees the figure that had attacked him.*
Shade: "So... What now?"
???: "Now... Now, you will be my slave..."
*Pulls back his hood. He's an Umbreon.*
???: "I am Marluxia. And from this day forth, you are mine to control..."
Shade: "... Yeeeeeah that's not gonna happen.*
*Marluxia grins.*
Marluxia: "We shall see..."
*Marluxia grins. Another figure appears, holding a struggling Garret. He pulls back his hood to reveal a Flareon.*
Marluxia: "Ah, Axel, you have brought Garret..."
Axel: "Yeah. So what? I just throw the little twerps together or something?"
Marluxia: "Pretty much..."
*Axel throws Garret at Shade. They fuse again.*
Shade: "Ow... That always hurts..."
*Axel vanishes.*
Marluxia: "Now your doom is sealed..."
*Marluxia grins.*
Marluxia: "Namine, come in here please..."
*Namine walks in, a sad look on her face.*
Marluxia: "Now, you wanted to know what you could do to be free..."
Namine: "... Yes..."
Marluxia: "Well here's your chance. Namine... Erase all of Shade's memories!!!"
*A shocked look comes over her face.*
Namine: "But... If I do that..."
Marluxia: "Yes... If you erase the memories you planted in his heart..."
*His grin widens.*
Marluxia: "Shade's heart will collapse, and he will be naught but a soulless shell... Pathetically easy for me to control..."
*Namine glares at Marluxia.*
Namine: "I won't."
Marluxia: "WHAT?! You don't even know him, and you're defending him?!!"
Namine: "Shade was the only person that's ever been nice to me... Even when I admitted that I changed his memories, he forgave me and offered to let me come with him. I won't do this to him!"
Marluxia: "Then you will pay the ultimate price..."
Shade: "Do what he says, Namine!"
*A forcefield deflects her attack.*
Marluxia: "Pathetic..."
*He closes his eyes. A large scythe appears in his hands. He grins and holds it to Namine's neck.*
Marluxia: "Listen to your little hero, Namine... Do as he says... OR ELSE."
*Namine starts crying.*
Namine: "Shade... I'm so sorry..."
*She waves her hand, and Shade falls to the floor, holding his heart.*
(Yeah, but he's not gonna wander around saying, "Who are you?" He's just gonna do what Marluxia says. When u beat Marluxia, he'll get his memories back.)
*Marluxia grins.*
Marluxia: "Finally..."
*He holds up his hand, and Shade stands up. Shade forms a Shadow Blade and slashes at Moonlight.*
*It hits Marluxia, sending him flying backwards. His scythe falls out of his hands. Namine begins chanting something. She pauses for a minute.*
Namine: "Distract Shade!"
*Continues chanting.*
*Shade just growls and tries to break free. Namine finishes her chant.*
Namine: "There..."
*Shade's eyes glow. He shakes his head and looks around.*
Shade: "... Um... Moonlight? Why are you on top of me?"
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