Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Sees Marluxia, who's just now getting up. Growls and leaps at him. Grabs him by the throat and slams him into the wall.*
*Growls but drops Marluxia. Starts leaving. Marluxia growls, picks up his scythe, and leaps at Shade. Shade whirls around and slashes him. Marluxia falls to the ground.*
Marluxia: "Uuugh..."
*His body begins to fade.*
Marluxia: "What?! No... No! NO!!!"
*He completely vanishes.*
Shade: "... It's over..."
(Namine is an Eevee)
*Shade looks at a glowing white door.*
Shade: "I'm guessing that's the way out..."
*Namine nods.*
Namine: "Yes."
*Shade splits again. Garret shakes his head.*
Garret: "I hate it when you do that..."
*Dustin slowly walked toward Shannon as well.*
"I know how you feel. Or at least have been in the same position. Where you love someone and it's like a fairytale come real where you live happily ever after. And then, they just leave and they say they're sorry but they don't really mean it..."
*Garret looks back to the stairs.*
"You guys go ahead, I'm gonna find Shannon."
*Starts heading down the stairs. Shade, Moonlight, and Namine leave.*
"No. Never think that. There's always another light up ahead. That's what my mother you to stay before she. Well anyway, I never believed it until I saw you in the forest. And it was like you were glowing just like my mother said the next bright light would be. Trust me, never give up hope no matter what. Sometimes it can be your best friend in the hardest of times."
"I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me. But one thing to get over things like this is to calm down and relax. And my proven best way to do this is just explore and go places you've never been before, and never regret what happened."
(Hm... Charidude is currently AWOL... Do you think I be Dustin for a minute???)

ShayminSky! said:
Moonlight: "Were should we go now?"
(They're at the base)
*Namine runs around, laughing. She touches everything.*
Namine: "So this is what the world outside the castle is like!"
(Not a chance)

"No, it's fine. I haven't felt this way since, well the last time I saw my sister..."
(And Lol I was just having dinner.)
(Sorry, just wanted to keep the story moving. So...)
*Garret keeps walking down the stairs.*
"Man... These stairs are long..."
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