Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Dustin reads the letter and smiles. He writes a final reply and gives it back to the tired Pellipper.*
*The Pellipper flies off and starting to daze off flies staright into a tree next to Shannon and Garret.*
(The letter reads:
Dear Shannon,
I'm glad you want to be each other's family but that's not why I asked you. I can't explain now but it is very urgent tha you get to Dream Island immedaitely. And the less people you bring the better.
(the bottom looks like a scirbbled ending as if he was in a very quick hurry to leave.)
Shannon reads the letter and set it down. She stood up, not waking Garret and teleported to Dream Island.
*The whole place is being swallowed by an enourmous storm.*
*Dustin sees Shannon and quickly runs over to her.*
"Shannon, there's something you need to know but I can't tell you here. Quick follow me."
*Brings Shannon into a small hut.*
"It's about your dreams. But anyway let me start from the beggining. Usually this place is a wonderful tropical island filled with the dreams of other people. But it's always been split in two, half of the island nightmares and half of the island dreams. The night after I sent you the letter everything went out of wack and everything was swallowed up by horrible nightmares. I need to know what you've been dreaming." (Please say some kind of nightmare.)
"So the stories are true... Shannon I need your help to fix this mess. I didn't want you to bring other people because I don't want anyone else to get hurt. But the only way for this thing to be stopped is if you defeat yourself. The only problem is the only way to do that is to stop having the nightmare."
"To tell you the truth I don't know. I was only here for two days. But they said if you have any troubles ask the elder. So we should start with her. Follow me."
*Dustin quickly went out of the dorr and headed toward a small ,but larger then the other hut, hut.
*Inside there is a small eevee but looks very old.
elder-"Dustin? Why are you here at this hour?"
Dustin-"elder, we need to know how we can stop Shannon's nightmare."
elder-"Usually they just go away by themselves."
Dustin-"But her dream is the dream."
elder-"Oh. Once they're that powerful they are almost impoosible to get rid of. But there is one way, the silver stone."
elder-"It's a very old and ancient rock rumored to exist on top of the mountain on the dream side of the island. It can be used to destroy nightmares at will."
"Yeah come on. It shouldn't be too hard."
*Dustin walks outside and looks at the mountain in the distance.*
"Come on, race ya too it."
*Dustin speed off towards the mountain.*
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