Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*they arrive at the mountain.*
"Wow, you're fast. It must've been because you evolved. But were notthere yet."
*Dustin leaps from ldge to ledge heading up the mountain.*
*Garret starts to have nightmares of Dustin and Shannon loving each other.*

~In the dream~
DShannon: "Of course I love him. Who could ever love you, Garret? You're a freak..."
*DDustin laughs. DGarret shakes his head, tears springing to his eyes.*
DGarret: "No..."
DShannon: "I never loved you at all, it's always been him..."
*She kisses DDustin. DGarret keeps shaking his head. His fur turns grey and dull.*
DGarret: "No, no, no...."
*As they were climbing the mountain Dustin looked back at Shnnon and all he could think about was love.*
No Dustin, your going to be each others family nothing more. But...
(remember all the nightmares come true on Dream Island so including Garret's.)
*His nightmares grow worse.*

~In the dream~
*DShannon kisses DDustin passionately, then smiles tauntingly at DGarret. DGarret starts crying.*
DGarret: "But... Why...?"
DShannon: "Because I got tired of you a long time ago, you freak... I'm in love with Dusty now..."
*She giggles and snuggles up close to him. DGarret tries to run but can't. He's forced to watch as they kiss each other passionately.*
DGarret: "Please... Just let me die!!!"
Shannon falls to the ground...
What...Is going on?! I feel love for Dustin...Strong love....
*Dustin falls to the ground the thoughts taking over him.*
"You feel it too? It has to be someone' dream! We have to get to that stone before we lose our will!"
*Dustin tries forcing his body up the mountain.*
*Finally the dream becomes too much and Dustin loses his will and turns to face Shannon.*
"I love you Shannon." (like how a couple would say it not all serious.)
(just because they love each other doesn't mean they still don't know that they're trying to stop the nightmare created by Shannon.0
"Now come on the top of the mountains just a little bit farther."
*When they arrive at the top Dustin notices a small crack going around to make a door in the mountain.*
"Hey look at this Shannon."
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