Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Garret senses them kiss. His nightmare gets even worse after that.*
~In the dream~
*Shannon and Dustin roll around, kissing each other endlessly. DGarret sobs heavily.*
(They're not going to do that much. we get the point Zigg, you can have Garret wake up now.)
*Dustin follows her inside.*
*Inside there is a small room with a shining rock on a pedastal in the center.*
"Must be it. Now the hard part comes, facing the nightmare. But lately more and more nightmares have been coming besides yours even though yours is the one in charge, we could still use some help. Could you head back and get anyone who you think could help us?"
*Garret wakes up. He realizes that his nightmare has come true, and his fur turns grey and dull.*
*He starts sobbing.*
(Just so you guys know the nightmare/dream effects will immdeately take back effect once they take step on Dream Island. And Whoever it was effecting will remember nothing of the effects.)
EDIT:Yep, TSL figured it out.
"No, we found the stone, but we need to stop my nightmare....Come on, let's head back to Dustin."
She teleports.
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