Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"who's I? I don't know who you are but obviously Garret didn't want you here so you must be dangerous. Shannon run for cover!"
*Dustin's star glows and his body is surrounded by light. Then he tackles (umm who is I?) and starts punching him over and over.*
*All of Dustin's attacks go through him. He laughs evilly.*
*Grabs Dustin and throws him aside.*
"I have many names, but you may call me Chaos... I must thank you for releasing me. I didn't think there would ever be anything that would cause Garret enough pain to submit to my power... As a token of my appreciation, I'll release you from the nightmare."
*Waves his paw and Garret's nightmare shatters. Shannon and Dustin are no longer in love, but they can remember what happened.*
*He laughs.*
"I have waited so long for this moment..."
*Flies into the air. Shadowy clouds begin filling the sky.*
???: "ENOUGH!!!"!
*Every legendary in the world appears, led by Sapphire.*
Chaos: "Ah, the Council of Legends. The ones who imprisoned me in this body in the first place. How very nice to see you..."
Sapphire: "Give it up, Chaos. We sealed you away once, we can do it again!"
Sapphire: "With all our powers combined, we were able to seal him away inside Garret's body. That was 50 years ago..."
Chaos: "Yes, and during that time, I learned some new tricks. One of them being THIS!!!"
*He holds up his paw and concentrates. Each and every one of the legendaries fall to the ground in pain.*
*Her healing doesn't work. A small orb flies out of each of the legendaries. The orbs start circling Chaos. He grins evilly.*
Chaos: "Yes... YES!!!"
*They go inside him. He begins to transform.*
Sapphire: "He took our powers... He has all the powers of Shade and Garret, plus ours... He's unstoppable now..."
*He finishes transforming. He stands before them in his new body. He roars menacingly.*
(I was waiting for you to get on before I affected Shade)
*Shade collapses to the ground, screaming. His markings and eyes are a searing red.*
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Shannon looked at the beast, tears streking her face.

Sapphire: "... We're all going to die..."
*Chaos roars again. He plunges his claw into the earth. The darkness spreads all over the planet. Massive fissures begin appearing everywhere.*

Shade: "We have to stop him..."
*Gets up.*
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