Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Shade teleports himself and Moonlight to Sharron.*
Shade: "... He got your powers, didn't he?"
Sapphire: "Yeah... I didn't know he could do that..."
*Chaos sees Shade. He roars and fires a massive Shadow Blast at him. Shade narrowly dodges.*
Shade: "Always good to see you too, Chaos..."
(How is this like Sonic...?)
(In Sonic DX there is a bad guy named Chaos and he tries getting all these power things and each time he does he transforms into somthing untill at the end of the game, hes like really hard to beat)
*Moonlight fires a Shadow Ball at Chaos*
(Really? Hm. Never played that game...)
*Chaos catches it. It doesn't hurt him at all. Shade draws his sword.*
Shade: "We've only got one chance to beat him..."
(Lol i know, its like exactly like this :p )
*Moonlight draws her sword also*
Moonlight: "Only one chance? He cant be that hard..."
Shade: "Moonlight, he has all my powers plus the power of every legendary EVER. That's pretty powerful. Plus, I don't have my powers anymore... The only chance we have is that."
*Points to a glowing red dot where Chaos' heart should be.*
"Garret's in there. If we can get him out, Chaos will have a very limited supply of power. Then we can take him down..."
"Wait who are you two? But thanks for helping. Hey you (forget what eeveelution Moonlight is but whatever it is.) get Shannon and take her somewhere safe! Please!"
*Dustin's star begins to glow and a sword appears in his hand glowing like a rainbow.*
(To Chaos) "Garret, I know you're still in there. Think about it, if you're doing this to save Shannon just look at her. Your scaring her to death! Wake up already!"
Shade: "No, Dustin. Shannon is the only one who can save us. Garret can't hear you from out here. And he has no control over what's going on..."
*Throws his sword at Chaos. It bounces off his scales.*
"... I hate being powerless..."
*It sinks into his scales, but doesn't hit his flesh. He pulls it out and grins. It turns into a giant Shadow Blade. He swings it at her. Shade tackles her out of the way at the last second.*
Shade: "We need to get you into Chaos. Garret is his heart. If we can get Garret out, we can kill him. Can you do it?"
"Good. Fly into that, it's not solid."
*Points to the red dot.*
"We'll distract him."
*Picks up his sword and leaps at Chaos. Fires a Hyper Beam at his head.*
*When Shannon enters, everything around her is red. She sees a faint outline of an Umbreon in the middle of it all.*
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