Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Chaos roars. Garret flies into his mouth. Chaos grins evilly.*
Chaos: "It seems that your last hope is gone..."
Garret *T*: "I need you guys to weaken him from the outside!"
*It hits his wing.*
Chaos: "GAH!"
*Shade fires a Light Blast at Chaos. It hits him in the chest.*
Shade: "Whoa, my powers are back!"
*Chaos growls. He waves his arm, and a massive tidal wave starts heading towards the group.*
*The tidal wave stops. Chaos grabs his chest, confused. Suddenly, a fiery explosion tears his body apart. The sky lights up in beautiful lights. Garret stays in his phoenix form as the Earth begins to mend itself.*
"Yes, it was... I let my emotions get the better of me... If you love Dustin, I should let you be with him..."
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