Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*He puts the flames out and heals her.*
"Shannon... I'm sorry..."
*Tries to go Light Form, but can't.*
"... What...?"
*Tries to use his powers, but none work.*
"Oh no..."

ShayminSky! said:
*Moonlight steps closer to it*
Moonlight: "I thought everything went back to normal.."
*She steps closer and she can feel it trying to suck her in. She quickly steps back but I sucks her into it*

*Leaps in after her.*
"Urk..." moaned Shannon. The beast growled and threw another needle into her. It kicked her across the room and she went flying into the wall.
"Quite you!" It turned to Garret.
"Now where was I?"
*As Garret falls into the pit dark thoughts start to surround him. Nightmares started forming in his head and then somehow he knew he saw the future. Chaos was back and was destroyig the islnd and the world and people were screaming as darkness took over them.*
Dustin-"No... no it can't be!"
Dustin-"I have to stop it. I can't let the world end..."
(A voice whispers to him) "Is that what you wish above all?..."
Dustin-"Yes, world peace. True happiness for everyone, no matter what I will achieve that."
"Then you will work under us. You will feel no emotion, you will do your job without hesitation. But you will think situations through before acting. Now we give you power to do anything. But we will bring you back the immediate moment you disobey us."
Dustin-"Yes. I understand"
*Dustin felt a rush of energy flow through him. And he felt more powerful and free then ever before. He knew that he had so many powers and he knew he couldn't die as long as the pit didn't deem him worthy to die.*
*Dustin flew out of the pit with his power and hovered in air as he was told his first job.*

"Okay Dustin. You saw the near future. Find a way to stop it using what you know. In this situation do not make haste decsions but you need to act fast. In a small 48 hours what you saw will come true. Hurry Dustin, time is short...
*Dustin nodded and started flying across the island looking for Garret.*
"Urk...." The stuff the beast put in Shannon was making her powers go crazy. She start to teleport all over the place without waking up.
*As Garret flies all around the island hesees Shannon teleport everywhere.*
(thinking) "What's Shannon doing maybe I should he-
(voice. I'll put V for voice now) "No! You feel no emotion. Or else it will interfere and cause the world to end. Stay strong Dustin."
"You're right. The world is our main priority. But...
*Dustin flies down and times where Shannon would teleport nex and grabbed her and locked her in place cancelleing the further teleports.*
*Dustin grabbed her arm and started to squeeze it violently.*
"Tell me where Garret is. Now!"
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