Finished Eeveelution RPG

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V-"Dustin! What did I tell you! Think before you ask. Find other ways to use the situation..."
"Maybe you're right. There is a better way to use this. If I ge Shannon to help me stop Chaos then Garret will get so upset Chaos will come out which will allow me to kill him...
*Dustin let's go.*
"I'm sorry Shannon it's just that there's a grave matter at hand. You see, I went into the pit of dreams and there I learned the future. In just 48 hours Chaos will be released and he will destroy the world and even kill Garret as well as every living creature besides himself. I have to stop it so that's why I need you to help me stop it. Will you?"
*Moonlight looks around still confused. A Espeon walks past them, it is not glowing. The Espeon looks at them and stops walking*
Espeon: "Who are you..."
*Her eyes widen*
Espeon: "Your ALIVE?!"
Moonlight: "Of course we are!"
*The Espeon smiles evily at them*
Espeon: "Do you even KNOW were you are?!"
Moonlight: "...No.."
*All of the sudden the Espeon jumps at Moonlight and claws at her. Moonlight tries to form a Twilight Blade but it does not work. The Espeon closes her jaws around Moonlights neck and clamps down on it hard. Moonlight yelps in pain and surprise, and the light around her starts fading*
When Dustin let's go, Shannon falls to the ground because of many broken bones.
"I, but there's.... one problem. A lot...of my....bones...are..broken."
*Moonlight starts struggling to free herself but the Espeon jumps keeps clamping down harder*
Espeon: "Die already!"
*Moonlight starts choking out blood and her light was fading even more, while the Espeon started geting more powerful and the light started to glow dimly around her*
Moonlight: "AGH...."
*Moonlight suddenly ranks her claws arcross the Espeons chest. The espeon yowls in pain and drops Moonlight. Moonlights light still stays faded but the Espeons light is gone*
Espeon: ".....Im taking your life or the Umbreon's life, your choice"
Moonlight: "...Neither!"
*She trys to send a Twilight Blast at the Espeon but nothing happens*
*The Espeon laughs*
Espeon: "You dont even know were you are! You dont have any powers here kid!"
*Moonlight snarls*
Moonlight: "Were are we?"
*The Espeon jumps at her again and aims for her neck. Moonlight step out of the way at the last second but the Espeon claws at Moonlights ear. Moonlight yelps in pain*
Espeon: "Im unstopable here, kid! All of us are impossible to beet!"
Moonlight: "Why?"
*The Espeon jumps at her again and slashes her across the face. The Espeon tries to slash her again but Moonlight quickly jumps out of the way. The Espeon jumps at Moonlights leg and claws it. Moonlight falls to the ground and yowls in pain. The Espeon jumps at Moonlight neck and clamps down on it. Moonlight yowls in pain again and her light starts fading quickly. Moonlight claws at the Espeons leg and the Espeon jumps away from her*
Espeon: " You might have won this time, but im going to tell everyone there are living here!"
*The Espeon runs away limping*
Shannon power started to go crazy again.
"Urk!" She passed out and telported infront of Moonlight. She turned into a Umbreon again.
(Nobody can get in the place that Moonlight and Shade is in)
*Moonlight colapses to the ground, bleeding badly*
*The Espeon enters a huge castle like pillor*
???: "Tonks"
*A Myteana steps out of a shadow and approaches the Espeon*
Tonks: "...I have good news, Goth..."
Goth: "Oh? Do you?"
Tonks: "Yes but it is for Zotz only!"
*Goth snarls and jumps at Tonks and puts his jaw around her neck. She yelps in surprise*
Goth: "Tell me or-
*A booming voice comes from nowere*
???: "Goth! Let her go!"
*Goth bows his head and lets Tonks go. Tonks scrambles to her feet, looking scared*
Tonks: "....I-I have g-good news, master.."
???: "Tell"
*Tonks chokes from fright, and does not answare. Goth snarls at her*
Goth: "You heard Zotz! Tell, NOW!"
Tonks: "...there is living--
*Goth inturups her*
Goth: "WHAT!?"
Zotz: "GOTH! Dont inturupt! Go on Tonks"
Tonks: "There is an Umbreon and an Eevee...they are living.."
Tonks: "-but-"
*Goth jumps at Tonks neck, and she yowls in pain and dissapears. He sits down*
*Goth seems not scared at all*
Goth: "Im sorry master, but she was lieing.."
Zotz: "That still gives you no right to unmake my prisoners! I gave you that power and i can take it away!"
Goth: "Well Tonks was already dead."
Zotz: "Dont toy me! I know, all of you are dead! Even you!"
Goth: "Thanks for reminding me.."
Zotz: "I want you to send sombody to go and see if Tonks was telling the truth"
Goth: "Yes master"
(Lol you aand Gerrat are doing somthing! There is that monster thing trying to get Shannon :p But if you really want you can come in but not by telaporting. You have to get in the way that Moonlight and Shade got in)
(Lol i know! We need Zig to come back! And there is tons of cracks in the ground because of Chaos. Just have your charictor come close to one and fall in :p)
Shannon teleprts near a gaint crack and stops in human form. The ground around her started to crack and she remained passed out.
She fell in:)P).
*Goth gets up and walks out side. He walks over to a flygon*
Goth: "Go fly around the forest and look for anything unusual"
Flygon: "Unusual? Like what?"
Goth: "A living pokemon"
*The voice of Zotz appears again*
Zotz: "No. He is not lieing"
*The flygon cringes from Zotz voice*
Zotz: "Go!"
Flygon: "Ye-Yes master"
*He flys of to the direction of the forest*
Shannon crashed through the trees.
"Urk..." She opened her eyes.
"Can't....move....Guess...I...just have to....sit pain."
Name: Hyorin
Age: 21
Eeveeloution: Glaceon
Description: She is rather anti-social, and thinks in a logical, scientific manner. She avoids direct violence, but when she is needed, she will attack with her signature move, Icicle Rage.
Appearance: She has a bit of fur over her left eye, and her eyes are a steely gray.
She watches over Shannon from a high cliff, far from Shannon's sight.
(Shannon is nowere near Shade and Moonlight)
*The flygon flys over the forest and sees somthing (Shannon). He gets down lower and sees she is glowing with life. He is about to pick her up but Zotz voice appears again*
Zotz: "NO! Dont touch it! I want Goth to be the one with his life back"
*Zotz voice in Goth's head*
Zotz: "We found one"
*Goth nods and bolts of through the forest*
Hyorin hears voices in the background.
"There's more of them," she says to herself. "Better go check it out."
She hops towards the voices silently.
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